Chef Blogs

Chef Analytics 1.1.6 Released

David Parfitt | Posted on | community | Releases

Ohai Chefs,

We are pleased to announce that Chef Analytics 1.1.6 is now available. This is a bug fix release; details of the issues resolved are provided below.


  • Data was not appearing in the nodes view for organizations having more than 25 nodes.
  • Data was not appearing in the nodes view when switching organizations.
  • Analytics was not working properly when using a certificate that didn’t have localhost as a Subject Alternative Name. This issue was introduced in release 1.1.4. We have now removed localhost from the Subject Alternative Name and rely on a custom hostname verifier to allow localhost connections. Certificates generated by Chef no longer include Subject Alternative Name.
  • Nginx SSL port setting from the opscode-analytics.rb attributes file was not being applied properly. The fix for this issue allows you to operate Chef Analytics on a Chef Server, e.g. for AMIs.
  • Zookeeper snapCount settings were resulting in large on-disk log size. In verification testing, this change to the snapCount settings resulted in 80-90% reduction of log size.

Where can I get it?

As always, you can download new releases of Analytics from