DevOpsDays Sydney was a great two-day event in downtown Sydney, Australia December 1st and 2nd. If you haven’t been to a DevOpsDay event in your area, you owe it to yourself to check it out. The “un-conference” format of opening keynotes with open spaces for attendee-driven conversations makes each one unique. Chef was there as a sponsor and had a very nice table with our Australian partner Vibrato. But more importantly, we were there to participate and engage in the conversations.
Bridget Kromhout gave the opening keynote, “Containers will not fix your broken culture (and other hard truths)”. Her talk emphasized that DevOps and business transformation is not about the tools as much as the fixing broken culture and organizational practices. Following on this point, Hannah Browne and Steve Mactaggart‘s talk “Why?: the forgotten word of DevOps” explored the environment necessary to support DevOps success.
Navigating change within organizations was an ongoing topic during open spaces. It continued on the second day with Lindsay Holmwood‘s keynote “Deepening our people, to weather the org”. Generally, the keynotes were not technology-based. Nigel Kersten‘s “Abstractions and Metaphors: words matter in operations” was a fascinating examination of the use of metaphors in how we describe human and computer interactions. Hopefully, the organizers will post video of all of these soon.
Many thanks to the organizers and attendees of DevOpsDays Sydney. It was truly a unique and exciting event and we look forward to attending and participating again next year!