Ohai Chefs!
I’m pleased to announce that Chef Marketplace 0.0.2 has been released and new AMI’s are available on the Amazon Marketplace. Here are some of this release’s highlights:
commandschef-marketplace is now a self-contained Chef Server add-on package that is available in the Chef Software RPM repositories. Shipping the changes in this manner will allow users of cloud marketplace images to upgrade the Chef Marketplace software in-place instead of migrating their data to new instances provisioned with updated images.
Along with the new package comes a new 'chef-marketplace'
Chef Server topology that is supported in the chef-server.rb
configuration file. Also making it’s debut is the /etc/chef-marketplace/marketplace.rb
configuration file.
Chef Marketplace now supports an ‘aio’ (All-In-One) role type that will enable Chef Server, Analytics, Manage, and Reporting on the same marketplace instance. You can reach the Analytics UI on port 8443.
Along with the new chef-marketplace omnibus packages come several new chef-marketplace-ctl
commands to help you administer your cloud marketplace Chef Server:
chef-marketplace-ctl setup
is the first command you’ll want to run when you start up a new marketplace instance. It will configure all of the Chef Software packages and create an initial user and organization.chef-marketplace-ctl reconfigure
will parse marketplace.rb
and make any necessary configuration changes.chef-marketplace-ctl upgrade
will upgrade the chef-marketplace, chef-server-core, opscode-analytics, opscode-manage, and opscode-reporting packages depending on the the switches you provide.chef-marketplace-ctl hostname
will change the hostname of the instance and reconfigure the instance as appropriate. If you wish to use a non-default hostname as your Chef Server endpoint you’ll also need to set the api_fqdn
in marketplace.rb
.chef-marketplace-ctl test
verifies that the Chef Marketplace software is working as expected.chef-marketplace-ctl trim-actions-db
is actually run every 4 hours via cron the marketplace instances. It monitors the Analytics actions database and trims the oldest entries when the database starts to approach it maximum allowed size.Full documentation for the chef-marketplace-ctl
commands is available in the omnibus-marketplace README.