Chef Blogs

ChefConf 2020 Registration is Now Open!

Mandi Walls | Posted on | Chef Habitat | Chef Infra | Chef InSpec | ChefConf | community

Registration for ChefConf 2020 is now open. Join us in Seattle or London (or both) this June!

ChefConf provides a unique opportunity for technology practitioners, DevOps engineers, application delivery engineers, and IT security professionals to hear from some of the world’s largest companies about how they are driving innovation and capturing more value from their software and IT practices. 

ChefConf is not a vendor conference, it is the Chef User Conference, showcasing the most forward-thinking technical teams in Retail, Financial Services, Travel, Logistics, Software, Philanthropy, and many other markets. You won’t just hear about Chef’s latest innovations, but also lessons learned from folks representing organizations like Carfax, Rakuten, and Early Warning.

Whether you are in the beginning stages of your automation journey or a grizzled DevOps veteran, there will be topics for you to explore and peers to learn from.  New to infrastructure automation, cloud computing, and new on-demand architectures? Searching for ways to speed up tedious security testing and benchmarking? Or maybe you’re looking for methods for building streamlined containers to modernize your application stack and manage sprawl. You won’t want to miss out on any of the great content about Chef Infra, Chef InSpec, or Chef Habitat at ChefConf 2020.

We’re still building our agenda, but we are excited to announce our first round of speakers!

a few of the speakers coming to ChefConf 2020

The CFP is open until January 31, so the next round of speakers announced could include You!

Important Details!

ChefConf 2020 registration is now open for both events!


ChefConf returns to the Hyatt Regency in downtown Seattle for four days of content and community. 

  • Monday June 1 – Join us for Open Space discussions at the ChefConf Community Summit, or register for one of our popular full-day workshops! Then head to the exhibit hall for our welcome reception.
  • Tuesday June 2 – Start the day with Keynote sessions from the Chef team, featured customers, and special guests. After lunch, choose your own adventure in our breakout tracks! 
  • Wednesday June 3 – FULL DAY of breakouts. Eight rooms to choose from, featuring Chef Infra, Chef InSpec, and Chef Habitat, as well as DevOps topics, integration projects, workflows, cloud topics, and other great stuff related to managing modern application ecosystems. The evening will be one of our legendary ChefConf parties, so stay tuned for more details!
  • Thursday June 4 – Our Hack Day and Contributor Summit are your opportunity to put some of what you’ve learned to practice before you even get home. Bring your laptop and your code and hang out with our engineers and folks from around the community. New to Open Source? Our team can help you get started with our new Contributor Summit.

Super Early Bird Registration for Seattle is open now and will run until February 14th. Get your $595 ticket now, as the Super Early Bird rate is limited! Early Bird pricing of $995 will then be in effect until April 15th when it will go to the full conference price of $1295

Workshops on June 1 are $399 for a full day. Bring a laptop!


Chef loves etc.venues, and this year we are back at the St. Paul’s location (near Barbican).

  • Monday 15 June – Select from a variety of full-day workshops to hone your skills.
  • Tuesday 16 June – Start the day with Keynote sessions from Chef, featured customers, and special guests. After an excellent etc.venues lunch, choose from among three tracks to feed your brain. Our evening party is still being planned, but will be nearby and at a truly iconic London location!
  • Wednesday 17 June – Day two will bring more customer stories, more sessions, more excellent lunch, and more time to meet with other Chef users from across Europe

Early Bird Registration for London is open! Get your ticket before 15 April to lock in the lowest price of £395 before it goes up to £495!

Workshops in London are £100 for half-day or £150 for the full day. Bring your laptop!

We’ll have more details as plans are finalized, but if you’ve been to ChefConf in the past, you know it’s going to be great! If this year will be your first ChefConf, you are in for a treat! Join our welcoming community and learn from some of the most innovative companies in the world. 

Chef is committed to a safe and welcoming community. All attendees at all ChefConf events agree to abide by the Chef Community Code of Conduct.