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ChefConf Session Spotlight – Putting the Dev in DevOps

Lucas Welch | Posted on | awesome chefs | ChefConf | community | DevOps

Continuing our series of ChefConf Session Spotlights, today we’re profiling Charity Majors — Awesome Chef and Chef Board of Governance member. Charity has been using Chef for four-plus years and is currently trying to make the world safe for machine data as co-founder and CTO of Hound.

With a deep history of building products that developers are passionate about, Charity brings a contagious energy and refreshing directness to all her presentations. Not to mention her years of experience designing and implementing full stack architecture, doing deep dives into a wide range of storage problems, and automating the pain away.

So what will Charity be discussing at ChefConf?

Drawing from diverse work experiences in building vibrant cultures that make people happy and productive, Charity will examine the development side of DevOps, specifically how to help development teams own more operations responsibility. Here’s what Charity has to say about the topic:

The dirty little secret about DevOps is that everybody talks about how to help make ops teams better at developing software, but hardly anybody talks about how to help developers get better at operations. Operations is like a social contract. Your “ops org” is made up of the constellation of skills, practices, habits, tribal knowledge, and cultural values you have amassed around delivering software, as well as every single engineer (and exec, and support team) who participates in this org. Many of the pathologies in modern engineering teams can be traced back to the fact that software engineers don’t have the operational skills they need to really own and debug their own services and aren’t sure how to get them. So, how do you help your software engineers develop their ops muscles? How do you interview and hire for engineers who will enthusiastically co-create a vibrant ops culture? How do you identify and reward the heroes doing the silent, unsung work of paying down technical debt and shipping stable software? We’ll talk about how to create the kind of tight feedback loops that help engineers improve their craft, prevent burnout, and encourage a healthy, fun, collaborative culture of operational excellence.

A dynamic speaker presenting on a topic that sits at the core of DevOps success? Sounds like a “must see” to us. So mark your calendar for Charity’s session and be sure to register for ChefConf before we sell out!