Chef Blogs

ChefDK 0.3.6 Released!

Jay Mundrawala | Posted on | community | release | Releases

Hi Chefs,

Today we released ChefDK 0.3.6. This release includes a bunch of new stuff:

* Custom generator cookbooks can now be configured in your config.rb/knife.rb
* `chef generate` will now generate ChefSpec tests for new recipes, and ServerSpec tests when a kitchen.yml is generated
* Powershell support for `chef shell-init`
* `chef update` command to rebuild `Policyfile.lock.json`
* `chef export` command to export cookbooks referenced in `Policyfile.lock.json`
* Test Kitchen 1.3.1 along with a Policyfile provisioner
* Berkshelf 3.2.3
* And much more. Check out the changelog to see all that is new.

Our download page has been updated to point to the new release.
Give this release a shot and let us know if you run into any issues.

Also note, this will likely be the final release of ChefDK with Chef 11. ChefDK 0.4.0 will ship
with Chef 12.

## Changelog
* Support cookbooks that contain only `metadata.json` with Policyfiles.
* Add named run lists to the Policyfile DSL. The feature however, is not
usable until support is added to Chef Client.
* Allow generator cookbooks to have arbitrary names. The
argument to `–generator-cookbook` should be the path to the cookbook,
rather than the path to the directory containing the generator
* Custom Generator cookbooks can now be configured in
`~/.chef/config.rb` (or `knife.rb`) by setting
* Added `chef update` command, which rebuilds `Policyfile.lock.json`
to reflect any changes in the `Policyfile.rb` and updates cookbooks to
the latest versions that match the dependency constraints.
* Added `chef export` command. This command creates a directory
containing all cookbooks referenced by the `Policyfile.lock.json` and
a copy of the lock file as a data bag item. This directory can be
served by Chef Zero to apply your policy to a node.
* Added `policyfile_zero` Test Kitchen provisioner. This provisioner
converges chef-client in policyfile mode using Chef Zero.
* Will no longer install gem documentation when using `chef gem`.
This speeds up gem installs.
* Powershell support for `chef shell-init`
* Updated Berkshelf to version 3.2.3
* Updated Test Kitchen to version 1.3.1
* Updated Chef to version 11.18.0