Greetings fellow Cheffians!
I am happy to report that we have just released Supermarket 2.0.0! The Supermarket – both the public and private versions – continues to evolve to the needs of the Chef community.
As you might guess from the major version bump, this version contains a potentially breaking change. This only occurs on private Supermarkets – those that use the supermarket-omnibus package for their installs. We have added in the ability to to disable ssl through a new environmental attribute: [‘ssl’][‘enabled’].
New Supermarket installs will have [‘ssl’][‘enabled’] set to true by default. However, if you are using an existing Supermarket install and wish to continue using ssl when you upgrade to Supermarket 2.0.0, you will need to explicitly set [‘ssl’][‘enabled’] to true.
With this change, the Supermarket omnibus install is now the only officially supported way to run a private Supermarket. Here at Chef we are now using the Supermarket omnibus install to run the public Supermarket site as well as private Supermarkets. Irving Popovetsky’s Supermarket Omnibus Cookbook is now the best cookbook to use for installing Supermarket. Therefore, I am now deprecating the old Supermarket cookbook. Just in case anyone else would like to still use and maintain the old cookbook, I have placed it up for adoption on Supermarket.
Here are some additional features included with Supermarket 2.0
As always, feel free to reach out to the Supermarket team via issues in the Supermarket Github Repo or by emailing me, your friendly Supermarket engineer, at