Chef Blogs

Must Read: “The Cult of Amazon”

Lucas Welch | Posted on | partners

Over and over again, we encounter Chef users working within Amazon EC2 environments. The proliferation of AWS continues to grow six years into its existence with no signs of slowing. Not to mention increasing competition from Google, Microsoft, Rackspace and many others.

But how did AWS begin?

Well, according to our own CTO Christopher Brown, one of the original engineers of EC2, the inception of AWS involved a press release. Yes, a press release.

For more on why AWS needed a press release before it was even created and how the service evolved into the massive cloud compute engine it is today, check out Cade Metz‘s article in Wired “The Cult of Amazon: How a Bookseller Invented the Future of Cloud Computing.”

Whether you read it on a Kindle, iPad, Surface, or a regular old laptop, we think you’ll enjoy it.