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Walkthrough – Publishing Habitat packages to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

James Casey | Posted on | Chef Habitat

We recently added support in Habitat Builder for Azure Container Registry (ACR). With this integration you can export to Azure Container Registry as part of your build job and use those containers inside AKS.

In this walkthrough we’ll show you how to setup the ACR integration in Habitat Builder and how to configure Azure Kubernetes Services to run the a sample Habitat application.

What are the Azure Container Registry and Azure Kubernetes Service ?

Azure Container Registry is a managed Docker container registry service used for storing private Docker container images. It’s a fully managed Azure resource and gives you local, network-close storage of your container images when deploying to Azure.

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a fully managed hosted Kubernetes environment that makes it quick and easy to deploy and manage containerized applications without container orchestration expertise. It also eliminates the burden of ongoing operations and maintenance by provisioning, upgrading, and scaling resources on demand, without taking your applications offline.

Using both of them together allows you to quickly stand up a Kubernetes cluster along with a private repository to hold the containers.


We’re going to use the az and kubectl command-line tools throughout this example. If you’re using the Azure Cloud Shell both of these tools are already installed.

If you choose to install and use the CLI locally see Install Azure CLI. Once you have the Azure CLI installed it can download kubectl, the Kubernetes command line client, to manage the cluster:

Azure CLI

$ az aks install-cli

All the code used in this example is available on GitHub at

Create AKS Cluster and ACR registry

First off we need to create a new cluster and registry. You can use the following script that will:

  • Create a Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster
  • Create a Azure Container Registry
  • Grant access to the Registry for the service principal associated with the cluster
  • Create a new Service Principal to be used by Habitat Builder to publish to the registry

The credentials for the Service Principal will be outputted by the script. These will be used in the next step to configure Habitat Builder.

# Change these for your account
# No Need to change these
# Setup AKS
az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --location eastus
az aks create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $AKS_CLUSTER_NAME --node-count $AKS_NODE_COUNT --generate-ssh-keys
az aks get-credentials --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $AKS_CLUSTER_NAME
# Setup ACR
az acr create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $ACR_NAME --sku $ACR_SKU
# Grant Reader access to ACR from AKS
CLIENT_ID=$(az aks show --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $AKS_CLUSTER_NAME --query "servicePrincipalProfile.clientId" --output tsv)
ACR_ID=$(az acr show --name $ACR_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --query "id" --output tsv)
az role assignment create --assignee $CLIENT_ID --role Reader --scope $ACR_ID
# Create Service Principal for Habitat Builder
az ad sp create-for-rbac --scopes $ACR_ID --role Owner --password "$BLDR_PRINCIPAL_PASSWORD" --name $BLDR_PRINCIPAL_NAME
BLDR_ID=$(az ad sp list --display-name $BLDR_PRINCIPAL_NAME  --query "[].appId" --output tsv)
echo "ID/Password for Habitat Builder Principal:"
echo "ID : $BLDR_ID"

Command Output

  $ ./
Retrying role assignment creation: 1/36
Retrying role assignment creation: 2/36
Configuration Details for Habitat Builder:
  Server URL :
  Service Principal ID : 1449e154-69d5-4f44-806f-7098b8f653d6
  Service Principal Password : ThisIsVeryStrongPassword

Configure builder to export to the registry

Now that you have setup the registry you need to use the Habitat Builder user interface to add the Azure Container Registry to your origin. This uses the configuration details outputted by the setup script.

Connect your packages to the registry

The final step to be carried out in the Habitat Builder user interface is to connect a plan file (we’re using the wordpress and mysql plans from the GitHub repository) and configure it to export it to our container registry. First we do this for the wordpress package which has its plan file at wordpress/

You can then trigger a new build of the package and follow progress in the live build output window of Habitat Builder. You’ll see a container being built and pushed to the registry.

Repeat these steps for the mysql package with a plan file at mysql/ You can verify that the packages have been pushed using the az command-line.

Verify Registry Contents

$ az acr repository list --name habitatregistry

Deploy the Habitat Operator to Kubernetes

The Habitat Operator for Kubernetes is the recommended way to integrate Habitat and Kubernetes into a unified whole. It leverages the Kubernetes API to unify communication between your Kubernetes clusters and Habitat Builder as it builds and manages your applications, and enables you to use both kubectl and the hab cli and keep all of your components in sync.

The following Kubernetes Deployment object installs the Habitat Operator in our cluster.


apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: habitat-operator
  replicas: 1
        name: habitat-operator
      - name: habitat-operator
        image: habitat/habitat-operator:v0.6.1

Verify deployment of Habitat Operator

$ kubectl apply -f habitat-operator.yml
deployment.extensions "habitat-operator" created
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
habitat-operator-854d7dc494-jnf7n   1/1       Running   0          10s

Deploy your application to AKS

Finally we’re ready to deploy our application. Our example WordPress application consists of two components – the WordPress server and the backend MySQL database. The following Kubernetes configuration will:

  • Create a Kubernetes secret with our MySQL credentials
  • Deploy two Habitat packages (habitat/wordpress and habitat/mysql) from ACR
  • Setup a Kubernetes load balancer to export our wordpress application port.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mysql-user-toml
type: Opaque
  # Each item needs to be base64-encoded.
  # Plain text content:
  #   app_username="wordpress"
  #   app_password="ThisIsSecret"
  #   bind=''
  user.toml: YXBwX3VzZXJuYW1lPSJ3b3JkcHJlc3MiCmFwcF9wYXNzd29yZD0iVGhpc0lzU2VjcmV0IgpiaW5kPScwLjAuMC4wJwo=
kind: Habitat
  name: wordpress-db
customVersion: v1beta2
    count: 1
      name: mysql
      topology: standalone
      configSecretName: mysql-user-toml
kind: Habitat
  name: wordpress-app
customVersion: v1beta2
    count: 1
      name: wordpress
      topology: standalone
        - name: database
          service: mysql
          group: default
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: wordpress-lb
  type: LoadBalancer
  - name: web
    port: 80
    targetPort: 80
    habitat-name: wordpress-app

Again we deploy this using kubectl apply. After a few minutes both pods should be running:

Verify deployment of the WordPress application and database pods

$ kubectl apply -f deploy-wordpress.yml
secret "mysql-user-toml" created "wordpress-db" created "wordpress-app" created
service "wordpress-lb" created
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
habitat-operator-854d7dc494-jnf7n   1/1       Running   0          2m
wordpress-app-0                     1/1       Running   0          2m
wordpress-db-0                      1/1       Running   0          2m

We can retrieve the external IP of the load balancer from Kubernetes:

Check for load balancer details

$ $ kubectl get service wordpress-lb --watch
NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE
wordpress-lb   LoadBalancer   80:32336/TCP   8m

And finally we can check that WordPress is up and running on the external IP.


In this walkthrough you saw how to setup Habitat Builder, Azure Container Registry and Azure Container Services,creating a complete continuous deployment pipeline for your application. This pattern can applied to any application packaged with Habitat creating a standard mechanism for you to run all your applications.

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