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chef-workstation 0.16.32 license: "Chef EULA"

Software End User License Agreement

(Personal, Non-Commercial, Experimental)

April 2, 2019 - The most recent edition of this license is available at https://www.chef.io/end-user-license-agreement/

This Software End User License Agreement (this “Agreement“), is a binding agreement between Chef Software Inc. (“Chef“) and You (as defined below).



Definitions. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have the following meanings:

Intellectual Property Rights” means patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, database protection, or other intellectual property rights laws, and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection.

Business” means any Person other than a natural person.

Commercial Purpose” means for the benefit of (i) any Business, or (ii) any undertaking intended, directly or indirectly, for profit.

Experimental Use” means using the Software to learn, train, experiment with, or test viability of the Software. Experimental Use excludes pre-production and production environments as well as making the Software available to others, whether or not in exchange for any consideration.

Person” means an individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited liability company, governmental authority, non-profit organization, unincorporated organization, trust, association, or other entity.

Software” means the software programs made available under this License.

Term” has the meaning set forth in Section 6.

Third Party” means any Person other than You or Chef.

You” means the Person exercising permissions granted by this Agreement.

  1. License Grant and Scope. Chef hereby grants to You a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license during the Term to use the Software solely as set forth in this Section 1 and subject to the terms of Section 3. Chef hereby grants You the non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, royalty free right to:
    • Download, copy, and install the Software on computers owned or leased, and controlled by, You. In addition to the foregoing, You may make copies of the Software for archival or backup purposes. All copies of the Software made by You must include all trademark, copyright, patent, and other Intellectual Property Rights notices contained in the original.
    • Use and run the Software on such computers solely for Your personal, non-Commercial Purposes or Experimental Use.
  2. Third-Party Materials. The Software includes software, content, data, or other materials, including related documentation, that are owned by Persons other than Chef and that are provided to You on license terms that are in addition to and/or different from those contained in this Agreement (“Third-Party Licenses“). A list of all materials included in the Software and provided under Third-Party Licenses can be found at https://www.chef.io/3rd-party-licenses/. You must comply with all Third-Party Licenses.
  3. Use Restrictions. You must not, directly or indirectly: (a) modify, translate, adapt, or otherwise create derivative works or improvements, whether or not patentable, of the Software or any part thereof; (b) reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, decode, or otherwise attempt to derive or gain access to the source code of the Software or any part thereof; (c) remove, delete, alter, or obscure any trademarks or any copyright, trademark, patent, or other intellectual property or proprietary rights notices provided on or with the Software, including any copy thereof; (d) rent, lease, lend, sell, sublicense, assign, distribute, publish, transfer, or otherwise make available the Software, or any features or functionality of the Software, to any Third Party for any reason; (e) use the Software in violation of any law, regulation, or rule; or (f) use the Software for purposes of competitive analysis of the Software, the development of a competing software product or service, or any other purpose that is to the Chef’s commercial disadvantage.
  4. Collection and Use of Information. You hereby consent to Chef receiving data and information directly from the Software for the sole purpose of obtaining information regarding Your use of the Software (e.g., when You install an update or upgrade), as well as any Software bugs, errors, and other similar technical support issues. Chef will only use such data and information (“Software Usage and Technical Support Data”) for Chef’s own business purposes, including but not limited to the purposes of (i) gathering information about how You use the Software, which may be combined with information about how others use the Software, in order to help Chef better understand trends and Your needs in order to better consider new features, and (ii) improving the Software and Your use experience. Chef will use Software Usage and Technical Support Data solely in aggregate, anonymized form.
  5. Intellectual Property Rights. You acknowledge that the Software is provided under license, and not sold, to You. Chef reserves all right, title, and interest in and to the Software and all Intellectual Property Rights in or to Software, except as expressly granted to You in this Agreement. Some portions of the Software may be separately available as source code from Chef under open source software licenses. Nothing in this Agreement affects any rights you may have separately under such licenses.
  6. Term and Termination. This Agreement and the license granted hereunder shall remain in effect until terminated as set forth herein (the “Term“).
    • You may terminate this Agreement by ceasing to use and destroying all copies of the Software.
    • Chef may terminate this Agreement for convenience.
    • If You institute any litigation against Chef (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) then the licenses granted to You under this Agreement shall terminate automatically as of the date such litigation is filed.
    • Upon termination of this Agreement, the license granted hereunder shall also terminate, and You shall cease using and destroy all copies of the Software.
  9. Export Regulation. The Software may be subject to US export control laws, including the US Export Administration Act and its associated regulations. You shall not, directly or indirectly, export, re-export, or release the Software to, or make the Software accessible from, any jurisdiction or country to which export, re-export, or release is prohibited by law, rule, or regulation.
  10. Miscellaneous. All matters arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Washington without giving effect to any conflict of law provision. Any legal action arising out of or relating to this Agreement will the subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state or federal courts located in King County. This Agreement constitutes the sole and entire agreement between You and Chef with respect to the subject matter contained herein, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations, and warranties, both written and oral, with respect to such subject matter. If any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court of law to be unenforceable, this Agreement and the license granted herein will terminate automatically.

This product bundles bundler 1.17.2, which is available under a "MIT" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/bundler-LICENSE.md

This product bundles bzip2 1.0.8, which is available under a "BSD-2-Clause" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/bzip2-LICENSE

This product bundles cacerts 2019-10-16, which is available under a "MPL-2.0" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/cacerts-index.815ca599c9df.txt

This product bundles chef-analyze 0.1.76, which is available under a "Apache-2.0" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/chef-analyze-LICENSE

This product bundles chef-workstation-app v0.1.74, which is available under a "Apache-2.0" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/chef-workstation-app-LICENSE

This product bundles config_guess master, which is available under a "GPL-3.0 (with exception)" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/config_guess-config.guess C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/config_guess-config.sub

This product bundles delivery-cli 0.0.54, which is available under a "Apache-2.0" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/delivery-cli-LICENSE

This product bundles git-windows 2.25.0, which is available under a "LGPL-2.1" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/git-windows-LGPL-2.1

This product bundles go 1.13.1, which is available under a "BSD-3-Clause" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/go-LICENSE

This product bundles libarchive 3.4.1, which is available under a "BSD-2-Clause" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/libarchive-COPYING

This product bundles libffi 3.2.1, which is available under a "MIT" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/libffi-LICENSE

This product bundles liblzma 5.2.4, which is available under a "Public-Domain" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/liblzma-COPYING

This product bundles libsodium 1.0.17, which is available under a "ISC" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/libsodium-LICENSE

This product bundles libxml2 2.9.10, which is available under a "MIT" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/libxml2-COPYING

This product bundles libxslt 1.1.34, which is available under a "MIT" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/libxslt-COPYING

This product bundles libyaml 0.1.7, which is available under a "MIT" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/libyaml-LICENSE

This product bundles libzmq 4.0.7, which is available under a "LGPL-3.0" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/libzmq-COPYING C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/libzmq-COPYING.LESSER

This product bundles nodejs-binary 10.16.3, which is available under a "MIT" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/nodejs-binary-LICENSE

This product bundles openssl 1.0.2u, which is available under a "OpenSSL" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/openssl-LICENSE

This product bundles ruby 2.6.5, which is available under a "BSD-2-Clause" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby-BSDL C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby-COPYING C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby-LEGAL

This product bundles ruby-windows-devkit 4.7.2-20130224, which is available under a "BSD-3-Clause" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby-windows-devkit-LICENSE.txt

This product bundles ruby-windows-devkit-bash 3.1.23-4-msys-1.0.18, which is available under a "GPL-3.0" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby-windows-devkit-bash-gpl-3.0.txt

This product bundles rubygems 3.0.3, which is available under a "MIT" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/rubygems-LICENSE.txt

This product bundles rust 1.37.0, which is available under a "Apache-2.0" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/rust-LICENSE-APACHE

This product bundles zlib 1.2.11, which is available under a "Zlib" License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/zlib-README

This product includes chef-workstation-app 0.1.74 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-chef-workstation-app-0.1.74-LICENSE

This product includes zip-stream 1.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-zip-stream-1.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes string_decoder 1.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-string_decoder-1.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes string_decoder 0.10.31 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-string_decoder-0.10.31-LICENSE

This product includes readable-stream 2.3.7 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-readable-stream-2.3.7-LICENSE

This product includes readable-stream 1.1.14 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-readable-stream-1.1.14-LICENSE

This product includes readable-stream 1.0.34 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-readable-stream-1.0.34-LICENSE

This product includes readable-stream 2.3.6 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-readable-stream-2.3.6-LICENSE

This product includes isarray 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-isarray-1.0.0-MIT.txt

This product includes isarray 0.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-isarray-0.0.1-MIT.txt

This product includes yauzl 2.4.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-yauzl-2.4.1-LICENSE

This product includes yargs-unparser 1.6.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-yargs-unparser-1.6.0-LICENSE

This product includes yargs-parser 13.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-yargs-parser-13.1.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes camelcase 5.3.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-camelcase-5.3.1-license

This product includes camelcase 2.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-camelcase-2.1.1-license

This product includes yargs 13.3.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-yargs-13.3.0-LICENSE

This product includes strip-ansi 5.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-strip-ansi-5.2.0-license

This product includes strip-ansi 4.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-strip-ansi-4.0.0-license

This product includes strip-ansi 3.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-strip-ansi-3.0.1-license

This product includes string-width 3.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-string-width-3.1.0-license

This product includes string-width 2.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-string-width-2.1.1-license

This product includes string-width 1.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-string-width-1.0.2-license

This product includes is-fullwidth-code-point 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-fullwidth-code-point-2.0.0-license

This product includes is-fullwidth-code-point 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-fullwidth-code-point-1.0.0-license

This product includes find-up 3.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-find-up-3.0.0-license

This product includes find-up 1.1.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-find-up-1.1.2-license

This product includes ansi-regex 4.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ansi-regex-4.1.0-license

This product includes ansi-regex 3.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ansi-regex-3.0.0-license

This product includes ansi-regex 2.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ansi-regex-2.1.1-license

This product includes yallist 2.1.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-yallist-2.1.2-LICENSE

This product includes y18n 4.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-y18n-4.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes xvfb-maybe 0.2.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-xvfb-maybe-0.2.1-COPYING

This product includes xtend 2.1.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-xtend-2.1.2-LICENCE

This product includes xtend 4.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-xtend-4.0.2-LICENSE

This product includes xmlchars 2.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-xmlchars-2.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes xml-name-validator 3.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-xml-name-validator-3.0.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes xdg-basedir 3.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-xdg-basedir-3.0.0-license

This product includes ws 7.2.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ws-7.2.1-README.md

This product includes write-file-atomic 2.4.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-write-file-atomic-2.4.3-LICENSE

This product includes wrappy 1.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-wrappy-1.0.2-LICENSE

This product includes wrap-ansi 5.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-wrap-ansi-5.1.0-license

This product includes wordwrap 0.0.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-wordwrap-0.0.3-LICENSE

This product includes word-wrap 1.2.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-word-wrap-1.2.3-LICENSE

This product includes widest-line 2.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-widest-line-2.0.1-license

This product includes wide-align 1.1.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-wide-align-1.1.3-LICENSE

This product includes which-module 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-which-module-2.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes which 1.3.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-which-1.3.1-LICENSE

This product includes whatwg-url 8.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-whatwg-url-8.0.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes whatwg-mimetype 2.3.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-whatwg-mimetype-2.3.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes whatwg-encoding 1.0.5 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-whatwg-encoding-1.0.5-LICENSE.txt

This product includes wgxpath 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-wgxpath-1.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes webidl-conversions 5.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-webidl-conversions-5.0.0-LICENSE.md

This product includes webdriverio 4.14.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-webdriverio-4.14.4-LICENSE-MIT

This product includes supports-color 5.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-supports-color-5.0.1-license

This product includes supports-color 5.5.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-supports-color-5.5.0-license

This product includes supports-color 6.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-supports-color-6.0.0-license

This product includes has-flag 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-has-flag-2.0.0-license

This product includes has-flag 3.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-has-flag-3.0.0-license

This product includes ejs 2.5.9 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ejs-2.5.9-LICENSE

This product includes ejs 2.7.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ejs-2.7.1-LICENSE

This product includes wdio-dot-reporter 0.0.10 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-wdio-dot-reporter-0.0.10-LICENSE

This product includes w3c-xmlserializer 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-w3c-xmlserializer-2.0.0-LICENSE.md

This product includes w3c-hr-time 1.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes verror 1.10.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-verror-1.10.0-LICENSE

This product includes validate-npm-package-license 3.0.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-validate-npm-package-license-3.0.4-LICENSE

This product includes uuid 3.4.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-uuid-3.4.0-LICENSE.md

This product includes util-deprecate 1.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-util-deprecate-1.0.2-LICENSE

This product includes utf8-byte-length 1.0.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'WTFPL' License. For details, see:

This product includes url-parse-lax 3.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-url-parse-lax-3.0.0-license

This product includes url 0.11.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-url-0.11.0-LICENSE

This product includes punycode 1.3.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-punycode-1.3.2-LICENSE-MIT.txt

This product includes punycode 2.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-punycode-2.1.1-LICENSE-MIT.txt

This product includes punycode 1.4.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-punycode-1.4.1-LICENSE-MIT.txt

This product includes urix 0.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-urix-0.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes uri-js 4.2.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-uri-js-4.2.2-README.md

This product includes update-notifier 3.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-update-notifier-3.0.1-readme.md

This product includes universalify 0.1.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-universalify-0.1.2-LICENSE

This product includes unique-string 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-unique-string-1.0.0-license

This product includes typescript 3.7.5 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-typescript-3.7.5-LICENSE.txt

This product includes typedarray 0.0.6 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-typedarray-0.0.6-LICENSE

This product includes type-fest 0.3.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-type-fest-0.3.1-license

This product includes type-fest 0.8.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-type-fest-0.8.1-license

This product includes type-detect 4.0.8 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-type-detect-4.0.8-LICENSE

This product includes type-check 0.3.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-type-check-0.3.2-LICENSE

This product includes tweetnacl 0.14.5 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-tweetnacl-0.14.5-LICENSE

This product includes tunnel-agent 0.6.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-tunnel-agent-0.6.0-LICENSE

This product includes tunnel 0.0.6 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-tunnel-0.0.6-LICENSE

This product includes truncate-utf8-bytes 1.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'WTFPL' License. For details, see:

This product includes trim-newlines 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-trim-newlines-1.0.0-license

This product includes tr46 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-tr46-2.0.0-LICENSE.md

This product includes tough-cookie 2.4.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-3-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-tough-cookie-2.4.3-LICENSE

This product includes tough-cookie 2.5.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-3-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-tough-cookie-2.5.0-LICENSE

This product includes tough-cookie 3.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-3-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-tough-cookie-3.0.1-LICENSE

This product includes to-regex-range 5.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-to-regex-range-5.0.1-LICENSE

This product includes to-readable-stream 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-to-readable-stream-1.0.0-license

This product includes to-buffer 1.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-to-buffer-1.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes tmp 0.0.33 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-tmp-0.0.33-LICENSE

This product includes through2 0.2.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-through2-0.2.3-LICENSE

This product includes through2 2.0.5 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-through2-2.0.5-LICENSE.md

This product includes through 2.3.8 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-through-2.3.8-LICENSE.MIT

This product includes throttleit 0.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-throttleit-0.0.2-Readme.md

This product includes term-size 1.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-term-size-1.2.0-license

This product includes temp-file 3.3.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes graceful-fs 4.2.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-graceful-fs-4.2.3-LICENSE

This product includes graceful-fs 4.1.11 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-graceful-fs-4.1.11-LICENSE

This product includes fs-extra 8.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-fs-extra-8.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes fs-extra 4.0.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-fs-extra-4.0.3-LICENSE

This product includes tar-stream 1.6.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-tar-stream-1.6.2-LICENSE

This product includes symbol-tree 3.2.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-symbol-tree-3.2.4-LICENSE

This product includes sumchecker 2.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-sumchecker-2.0.2-LICENSE

This product includes strip-json-comments 2.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-strip-json-comments-2.0.1-license

This product includes strip-indent 1.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-strip-indent-1.0.1-license

This product includes strip-eof 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-strip-eof-1.0.0-license

This product includes strip-bom 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-strip-bom-2.0.0-license

This product includes string.prototype.trimright 2.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-string.prototype.trimright-2.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes string.prototype.trimleft 2.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-string.prototype.trimleft-2.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes stealthy-require 1.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-stealthy-require-1.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes stat-mode 0.3.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-stat-mode-0.3.0-LICENSE

This product includes sshpk 1.16.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-sshpk-1.16.1-LICENSE

This product includes sprintf-js 1.0.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-3-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-sprintf-js-1.0.3-LICENSE

This product includes sprintf-js 1.1.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-3-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-sprintf-js-1.1.2-LICENSE

This product includes split 1.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-split-1.0.1-LICENCE

This product includes speedometer 0.1.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a '' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-speedometer-0.1.4-LICENSE

This product includes spectron 10.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-spectron-10.0.1-LICENSE.md

This product includes spdx-license-ids 3.0.5 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'CC0-1.0' License. For details, see:

This product includes spdx-expression-parse 3.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-spdx-expression-parse-3.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes spdx-exceptions 2.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'CC-BY-3.0' License. For details, see:

This product includes spdx-correct 3.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-spdx-correct-3.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes source-map-url 0.4.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-source-map-url-0.4.0-readme.md

This product includes source-map-support 0.5.16 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-source-map-support-0.5.16-LICENSE.md

This product includes source-map-resolve 0.5.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-source-map-resolve-0.5.3-readme.md

This product includes source-map 0.6.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-3-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-source-map-0.6.1-LICENSE

This product includes single-line-log 1.1.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-single-line-log-1.1.2-LICENSE

This product includes signal-exit 3.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-signal-exit-3.0.2-LICENSE.txt

This product includes shebang-regex 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-shebang-regex-1.0.0-license

This product includes shebang-command 1.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-shebang-command-1.2.0-license

This product includes set-blocking 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-set-blocking-2.0.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes serialize-error 5.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-serialize-error-5.0.0-license

This product includes semver-diff 2.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-semver-diff-2.1.0-license

This product includes semver-compare 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-semver-compare-1.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes semver 5.5.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-semver-5.5.1-LICENSE

This product includes semver 6.3.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-semver-6.3.0-LICENSE

This product includes semver 5.7.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-semver-5.7.1-LICENSE

This product includes semver 7.1.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-semver-7.1.3-LICENSE

This product includes saxes 4.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-saxes-4.0.2-LICENSE

This product includes sax 1.2.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-sax-1.2.4-LICENSE

This product includes sanitize-filename 1.6.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-sanitize-filename-1.6.3-LICENSE.md

This product includes safer-buffer 2.1.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-safer-buffer-2.1.2-LICENSE

This product includes safe-buffer 5.1.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-safe-buffer-5.1.2-LICENSE

This product includes rx-lite-aggregates 4.0.8 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache License, Version 2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-rx-lite-aggregates-4.0.8-MIT.txt

This product includes rx-lite 4.0.8 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache License, Version 2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-rx-lite-4.0.8-readme.md

This product includes run-async 2.3.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-run-async-2.3.0-LICENSE

This product includes roarr 2.15.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a '' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-roarr-2.15.2-LICENSE

This product includes rimraf 3.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-rimraf-3.0.2-LICENSE

This product includes rgb2hex 0.1.10 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-rgb2hex-0.1.10-LICENSE

This product includes restore-cursor 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-restore-cursor-2.0.0-license

This product includes responselike 1.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-responselike-1.0.2-LICENSE

This product includes resolve-url 0.2.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-resolve-url-0.2.1-LICENSE

This product includes resolve 1.11.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-resolve-1.11.1-LICENSE

This product includes require-main-filename 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-require-main-filename-2.0.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes require-directory 2.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-require-directory-2.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes request-promise-native 1.0.8 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-request-promise-native-1.0.8-LICENSE

This product includes request-promise-core 1.1.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-request-promise-core-1.1.3-LICENSE

This product includes request 2.88.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-request-2.88.2-LICENSE

This product includes repeating 2.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-repeating-2.0.1-license

This product includes remove-trailing-separator 1.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-remove-trailing-separator-1.1.0-license

This product includes registry-url 5.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-registry-url-5.1.0-license

This product includes registry-auth-token 4.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-registry-auth-token-4.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes regenerator-runtime 0.11.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-regenerator-runtime-0.11.1-LICENSE

This product includes redent 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-redent-1.0.0-license

This product includes readdirp 3.1.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-readdirp-3.1.2-LICENSE

This product includes readdirp 3.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-readdirp-3.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes read-pkg-up 1.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-read-pkg-up-1.0.1-license

This product includes read-pkg 1.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-read-pkg-1.1.0-license

This product includes read-config-file 5.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes rc 1.2.8 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-rc-1.2.8-LICENSE.BSD C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-rc-1.2.8-LICENSE.MIT

This product includes querystring 0.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-querystring-0.2.0-License.md

This product includes qs 6.5.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-3-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-qs-6.5.2-LICENSE

This product includes q 1.5.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-q-1.5.1-LICENSE

This product includes pump 3.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-pump-3.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes psl 1.1.29 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-psl-1.1.29-README.md

This product includes pseudomap 1.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-pseudomap-1.0.2-LICENSE

This product includes proto-list 1.2.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-proto-list-1.2.4-LICENSE

This product includes progress-stream 1.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-progress-stream-1.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes process-nextick-args 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-process-nextick-args-2.0.0-MIT.txt

This product includes pretty-bytes 1.0.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-pretty-bytes-1.0.4-license

This product includes prepend-http 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-prepend-http-2.0.0-license

This product includes prelude-ls 1.1.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-prelude-ls-1.1.2-LICENSE

This product includes pinkie-promise 2.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-pinkie-promise-2.0.1-license

This product includes pinkie 2.0.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-pinkie-2.0.4-license

This product includes pify 2.3.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-pify-2.3.0-license

This product includes pify 3.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-pify-3.0.0-license

This product includes picomatch 2.0.7 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-picomatch-2.0.7-LICENSE

This product includes performance-now 2.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-performance-now-2.1.0-license.txt

This product includes pend 1.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-pend-1.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes pathval 1.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-pathval-1.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes path-type 1.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-path-type-1.1.0-license

This product includes path-parse 1.0.6 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-path-parse-1.0.6-MIT.txt

This product includes path-key 2.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-path-key-2.0.1-license

This product includes path-is-inside 1.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-path-is-inside-1.0.2-LICENSE.txt

This product includes path-is-absolute 1.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-path-is-absolute-1.0.1-license

This product includes path-exists 3.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-path-exists-3.0.0-license

This product includes path-exists 2.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-path-exists-2.1.0-license

This product includes parse5 5.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-parse5-5.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes parse-json 2.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-parse-json-2.2.0-license

This product includes package-json 6.5.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-package-json-6.5.0-license

This product includes p-try 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-p-try-2.0.0-license

This product includes p-locate 3.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-p-locate-3.0.0-license

This product includes p-limit 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-p-limit-2.0.0-license

This product includes p-finally 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-p-finally-1.0.0-license

This product includes p-cancelable 1.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-p-cancelable-1.1.0-license

This product includes os-tmpdir 1.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-os-tmpdir-1.0.2-license

This product includes optionator 0.8.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-optionator-0.8.3-LICENSE

This product includes optimist 0.6.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT/X11' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-optimist-0.6.1-LICENSE

This product includes minimist 0.0.10 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-minimist-0.0.10-LICENSE

This product includes minimist 0.0.8 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-minimist-0.0.8-LICENSE

This product includes minimist 1.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-minimist-1.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes onetime 2.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-onetime-2.0.1-license

This product includes once 1.4.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-once-1.4.0-LICENSE

This product includes object.getownpropertydescriptors 2.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-object.getownpropertydescriptors-2.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes object.assign 4.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-object.assign-4.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes object-keys 1.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-object-keys-1.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes object-keys 0.4.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes object-inspect 1.7.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-object-inspect-1.7.0-LICENSE

This product includes object-assign 4.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-object-assign-4.1.1-license

This product includes oauth-sign 0.9.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-oauth-sign-0.9.0-LICENSE

This product includes nwsapi 2.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-nwsapi-2.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes number-is-nan 1.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-number-is-nan-1.0.1-license

This product includes nugget 2.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD' License. For details, see:

This product includes npm-run-path 2.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-npm-run-path-2.0.2-license

This product includes npm-install-package 2.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-npm-install-package-2.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes npm-conf 1.1.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-npm-conf-1.1.3-license

This product includes normalize-url 4.5.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-normalize-url-4.5.0-license

This product includes normalize-path 2.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-normalize-path-2.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes normalize-path 3.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-normalize-path-3.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes normalize-package-data 2.5.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-normalize-package-data-2.5.0-LICENSE

This product includes noms 0.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see:

This product includes node-environment-flags 1.0.6 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-node-environment-flags-1.0.6-LICENSE

This product includes mute-stream 0.0.7 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-mute-stream-0.0.7-LICENSE

This product includes ms 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ms-2.0.0-license.md

This product includes ms 2.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ms-2.1.1-license.md

This product includes ms 2.1.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ms-2.1.2-license.md

This product includes mocha 7.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-mocha-7.0.1-LICENSE

This product includes glob-parent 5.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-glob-parent-5.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes glob-parent 5.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-glob-parent-5.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes debug 3.2.6 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-debug-3.2.6-LICENSE

This product includes debug 2.6.9 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-debug-2.6.9-LICENSE

This product includes debug 4.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-debug-4.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes chokidar 3.3.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-chokidar-3.3.0-README.md

This product includes chokidar 3.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-chokidar-3.0.2-README.md

This product includes anymatch 3.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-anymatch-3.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes anymatch 3.0.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-anymatch-3.0.3-LICENSE

This product includes mkdirp 0.5.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-mkdirp-0.5.1-LICENSE

This product includes minimatch 3.0.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-minimatch-3.0.4-LICENSE

This product includes mimic-response 1.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-mimic-response-1.0.1-license

This product includes mimic-fn 1.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-mimic-fn-1.2.0-license

This product includes mime-types 2.1.26 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-mime-types-2.1.26-LICENSE

This product includes mime-db 1.43.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-mime-db-1.43.0-LICENSE

This product includes mime 2.4.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-mime-2.4.4-LICENSE

This product includes meow 3.7.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-meow-3.7.0-license

This product includes matcher 2.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-matcher-2.1.0-license

This product includes escape-string-regexp 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-escape-string-regexp-2.0.0-license

This product includes escape-string-regexp 1.0.5 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-escape-string-regexp-1.0.5-license

This product includes marked 0.8.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-marked-0.8.0-LICENSE.md

This product includes map-obj 1.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-map-obj-1.0.1-license

This product includes make-dir 1.3.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-make-dir-1.3.0-license

This product includes lru-cache 4.1.5 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-lru-cache-4.1.5-LICENSE

This product includes lowercase-keys 1.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-lowercase-keys-1.0.1-readme.md

This product includes lowercase-keys 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-lowercase-keys-2.0.0-readme.md

This product includes loud-rejection 1.6.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-loud-rejection-1.6.0-license

This product includes log-symbols 2.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-log-symbols-2.2.0-license

This product includes lodash.sortby 4.7.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-lodash.sortby-4.7.0-LICENSE

This product includes lodash 4.17.15 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-lodash-4.17.15-LICENSE

This product includes locate-path 3.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-locate-path-3.0.0-license

This product includes load-json-file 1.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-load-json-file-1.1.0-license

This product includes levn 0.3.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-levn-0.3.0-LICENSE

This product includes lazystream 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-lazystream-1.0.0-LICENSE-MIT

This product includes lazy-val 1.0.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes latest-version 5.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-latest-version-5.1.0-license

This product includes keyv 3.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-keyv-3.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes keyboardevents-areequal 0.2.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-keyboardevents-areequal-0.2.2-license

This product includes keyboardevent-from-electron-accelerator 1.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-keyboardevent-from-electron-accelerator-1.1.0-license

This product includes jsprim 1.4.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-jsprim-1.4.1-LICENSE

This product includes jsonfile 4.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-jsonfile-4.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes json5 2.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-json5-2.1.1-MIT.txt

This product includes json-stringify-safe 5.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-json-stringify-safe-5.0.1-LICENSE

This product includes json-schema-traverse 0.4.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-json-schema-traverse-0.4.1-LICENSE

This product includes json-schema 0.2.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-json-schema-0.2.3-LICENSE

This product includes json-buffer 3.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-json-buffer-3.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes jsdom 16.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-jsdom-16.2.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes jsbn 0.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-jsbn-0.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes js-yaml 3.13.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-js-yaml-3.13.1-LICENSE

This product includes isstream 0.1.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-isstream-0.1.2-LICENSE.md

This product includes isexe 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-isexe-2.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes isbinaryfile 4.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-isbinaryfile-4.0.2-LICENSE.txt

This product includes is-yarn-global 0.3.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-yarn-global-0.3.0-LICENSE

This product includes is-utf8 0.2.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-utf8-0.2.1-LICENSE

This product includes is-typedarray 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-typedarray-1.0.0-LICENSE.md

This product includes is-symbol 1.0.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-symbol-1.0.3-LICENSE

This product includes is-stream 1.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-stream-1.1.0-license

This product includes is-regex 1.0.5 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-regex-1.0.5-LICENSE

This product includes is-promise 2.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-promise-2.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes is-potential-custom-element-name 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-potential-custom-element-name-1.0.0-LICENSE-MIT.txt

This product includes is-path-inside 1.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-path-inside-1.0.1-readme.md

This product includes is-obj 1.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-obj-1.0.1-license

This product includes is-number 7.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-number-7.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes is-npm 3.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-npm-3.0.0-readme.md

This product includes is-installed-globally 0.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-installed-globally-0.1.0-license

This product includes is-glob 4.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-glob-4.0.1-LICENSE

This product includes is-finite 1.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-finite-1.1.0-license

This product includes is-extglob 2.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-extglob-2.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes is-date-object 1.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-date-object-1.0.2-LICENSE

This product includes is-ci 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-ci-2.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes is-callable 1.1.5 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-callable-1.1.5-LICENSE

This product includes is-buffer 2.0.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-buffer-2.0.4-LICENSE

This product includes is-binary-path 2.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-binary-path-2.1.0-license

This product includes is-arrayish 0.2.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-is-arrayish-0.2.1-LICENSE

This product includes ip-regex 2.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ip-regex-2.1.0-license

This product includes inquirer 3.3.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-inquirer-3.3.0-README.md

This product includes ini 1.3.5 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ini-1.3.5-LICENSE

This product includes inherits 2.0.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-inherits-2.0.3-LICENSE

This product includes inflight 1.0.6 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-inflight-1.0.6-LICENSE

This product includes indent-string 2.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-indent-string-2.1.0-license

This product includes imurmurhash 0.1.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-imurmurhash-0.1.4-README.md

This product includes import-lazy 2.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-import-lazy-2.1.0-license

This product includes ieee754 1.1.13 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-3-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ieee754-1.1.13-LICENSE

This product includes iconv-lite 0.4.24 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-iconv-lite-0.4.24-LICENSE

This product includes iconv-lite 0.5.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-iconv-lite-0.5.0-LICENSE

This product includes http-signature 1.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-http-signature-1.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes http-cache-semantics 4.0.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-http-cache-semantics-4.0.3-LICENSE

This product includes html-encoding-sniffer 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-html-encoding-sniffer-2.0.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes hosted-git-info 2.7.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-hosted-git-info-2.7.1-LICENSE

This product includes he 1.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-he-1.2.0-LICENSE-MIT.txt

This product includes has-yarn 2.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-has-yarn-2.1.0-license

This product includes has-symbols 1.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-has-symbols-1.0.1-LICENSE

This product includes has 1.0.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-has-1.0.3-LICENSE-MIT

This product includes har-validator 5.1.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-har-validator-5.1.3-LICENSE

This product includes har-schema 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-har-schema-2.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes growl 1.10.5 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes grapheme-splitter 1.0.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-grapheme-splitter-1.0.4-LICENSE

This product includes got 9.6.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-got-9.6.0-license

This product includes get-stream 4.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-get-stream-4.1.0-license

This product includes get-stream 3.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-get-stream-3.0.0-license

This product includes get-stream 5.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-get-stream-5.1.0-license

This product includes globule 1.3.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-globule-1.3.0-LICENSE

This product includes globalthis 1.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-globalthis-1.0.1-LICENSE

This product includes global-tunnel-ng 2.7.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-3-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-global-tunnel-ng-2.7.1-LICENSE

This product includes global-dirs 0.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-global-dirs-0.1.1-license

This product includes global-agent 2.1.8 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-3-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-global-agent-2.1.8-LICENSE

This product includes core-js 3.6.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-core-js-3.6.4-LICENSE

This product includes core-js 2.6.11 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-core-js-2.6.11-LICENSE

This product includes glob 7.1.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-glob-7.1.3-LICENSE

This product includes getpass 0.1.7 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-getpass-0.1.7-LICENSE

This product includes get-stdin 4.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-get-stdin-4.0.1-license

This product includes get-func-name 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-get-func-name-2.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes get-caller-file 2.0.5 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-get-caller-file-2.0.5-ISC.txt

This product includes gaze 1.1.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-gaze-1.1.3-LICENSE-MIT

This product includes function-bind 1.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-function-bind-1.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes fs.realpath 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-fs.realpath-1.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes fs-constants 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-fs-constants-1.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes form-data 2.3.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-form-data-2.3.3-License

This product includes forever-agent 0.6.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-forever-agent-0.6.1-LICENSE

This product includes flat 4.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-3-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-flat-4.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes fill-range 7.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-fill-range-7.0.1-LICENSE

This product includes figures 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-figures-2.0.0-license

This product includes fd-slicer 1.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-fd-slicer-1.0.1-LICENSE

This product includes fast-levenshtein 2.0.6 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-fast-levenshtein-2.0.6-LICENSE.md

This product includes fast-json-stable-stringify 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-fast-json-stable-stringify-2.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes fast-deep-equal 3.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-fast-deep-equal-3.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes extsprintf 1.3.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-extsprintf-1.3.0-LICENSE

This product includes extract-zip 1.6.7 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-extract-zip-1.6.7-BSD-2-Clause.txt

This product includes external-editor 2.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-external-editor-2.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes extend 3.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-extend-3.0.2-LICENSE

This product includes execa 0.7.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-execa-0.7.0-license

This product includes esutils 2.0.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-esutils-2.0.3-LICENSE.BSD

This product includes estraverse 4.3.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-estraverse-4.3.0-LICENSE.BSD

This product includes esprima 4.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-esprima-4.0.1-LICENSE.BSD

This product includes escodegen 1.14.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-escodegen-1.14.1-LICENSE.BSD

This product includes es6-error 4.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-es6-error-4.1.1-LICENSE.md

This product includes es-to-primitive 1.2.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-es-to-primitive-1.2.1-LICENSE

This product includes es-abstract 1.17.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-es-abstract-1.17.4-LICENSE

This product includes error-ex 1.3.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-error-ex-1.3.2-LICENSE

This product includes env-paths 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-env-paths-1.0.0-license

This product includes end-of-stream 1.4.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-end-of-stream-1.4.1-LICENSE

This product includes encodeurl 1.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-encodeurl-1.0.2-LICENSE

This product includes emoji-regex 7.0.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-emoji-regex-7.0.3-LICENSE-MIT.txt

This product includes electron-reload 1.5.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-electron-reload-1.5.0-LICENSE

This product includes electron-publish 21.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes electron-localshortcut 3.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-electron-localshortcut-3.1.0-license

This product includes electron-is-dev 0.3.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-electron-is-dev-0.3.0-license

This product includes electron-is-dev 1.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-electron-is-dev-1.1.0-license

This product includes electron-is-accelerator 0.1.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-electron-is-accelerator-0.1.2-LICENSE

This product includes electron-is 3.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-electron-is-3.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes electron-download 4.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-3-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-electron-download-4.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes electron-debug 3.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-electron-debug-3.0.1-license

This product includes electron-chromedriver 8.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes electron-builder 21.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes electron 8.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-electron-8.0.1-LICENSE

This product includes ecc-jsbn 0.1.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ecc-jsbn-0.1.2-LICENSE

This product includes duplexer3 0.1.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-3-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-duplexer3-0.1.4-LICENSE.md

This product includes dotenv-expand 5.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-dotenv-expand-5.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes dotenv 8.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-dotenv-8.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes dot-prop 4.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-dot-prop-4.2.0-license

This product includes domexception 2.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-domexception-2.0.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes dmg-builder 21.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes diff 3.5.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-3-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-diff-3.5.0-LICENSE

This product includes dev-null 0.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-dev-null-0.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes detect-node 2.0.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-detect-node-2.0.4-MIT.txt

This product includes delayed-stream 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-delayed-stream-1.0.0-License

This product includes define-properties 1.1.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-define-properties-1.1.3-LICENSE

This product includes defer-to-connect 1.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-defer-to-connect-1.0.2-LICENSE

This product includes deepmerge 2.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes deep-is 0.1.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-deep-is-0.1.3-LICENSE

This product includes deep-extend 0.6.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-deep-extend-0.6.0-LICENSE

This product includes deep-eql 3.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-deep-eql-3.0.1-LICENSE

This product includes decompress-response 3.3.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-decompress-response-3.3.0-license

This product includes decode-uri-component 0.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-decode-uri-component-0.2.0-license

This product includes decimal.js 10.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes decamelize 1.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-decamelize-1.2.0-license

This product includes data-urls 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-data-urls-2.0.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes dashdash 1.14.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-dashdash-1.14.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes currently-unhandled 0.4.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-currently-unhandled-0.4.1-license

This product includes cssstyle 2.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-cssstyle-2.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes cssom 0.3.8 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-cssom-0.3.8-LICENSE.txt

This product includes cssom 0.4.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-cssom-0.4.4-LICENSE.txt

This product includes css-value 0.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a '' License. For details, see:

This product includes css-parse 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-css-parse-2.0.0-MIT.txt

This product includes css 2.2.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-css-2.2.4-LICENSE

This product includes crypto-random-string 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-crypto-random-string-1.0.0-license

This product includes cross-spawn 5.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-cross-spawn-5.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes crc32-stream 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-crc32-stream-2.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes crc 3.8.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-crc-3.8.0-LICENSE

This product includes core-util-is 1.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-core-util-is-1.0.2-LICENSE

This product includes copyfiles 2.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-copyfiles-2.2.0-license.md

This product includes configstore 4.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-configstore-4.0.0-readme.md

This product includes config-chain 1.1.12 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-config-chain-1.1.12-LICENCE

This product includes concat-stream 1.6.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-concat-stream-1.6.2-LICENSE

This product includes concat-map 0.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-concat-map-0.0.1-LICENSE

This product includes compress-commons 1.2.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-compress-commons-1.2.2-LICENSE

This product includes combined-stream 1.0.8 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-combined-stream-1.0.8-License

This product includes color-name 1.1.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-color-name-1.1.3-LICENSE

This product includes color-convert 1.9.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-color-convert-1.9.3-LICENSE

This product includes code-point-at 1.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-code-point-at-1.1.0-license

This product includes clone-response 1.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-clone-response-1.0.2-LICENSE

This product includes cliui 5.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-cliui-5.0.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes cli-width 2.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-cli-width-2.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes cli-cursor 2.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-cli-cursor-2.1.0-license

This product includes cli-boxes 2.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-cli-boxes-2.2.0-license

This product includes ci-info 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ci-info-2.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes chromium-pickle-js 0.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes check-error 1.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-check-error-1.0.2-LICENSE

This product includes chardet 0.4.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-chardet-0.4.2-LICENSE

This product includes chalk 2.4.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-chalk-2.4.2-license

This product includes chai-as-promised 7.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'WTFPL' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-chai-as-promised-7.1.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes chai 4.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-chai-4.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes caseless 0.12.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-caseless-0.12.0-LICENSE

This product includes camelcase-keys 2.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-camelcase-keys-2.1.0-license

This product includes cacheable-request 6.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-cacheable-request-6.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes builder-util-runtime 8.3.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes builder-util 21.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes buffer-from 1.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-buffer-from-1.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes buffer-fill 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-buffer-fill-1.0.0-MIT.txt

This product includes buffer-crc32 0.2.13 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-buffer-crc32-0.2.13-LICENSE

This product includes buffer-alloc-unsafe 1.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-buffer-alloc-unsafe-1.1.0-MIT.txt

This product includes buffer-alloc 1.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-buffer-alloc-1.2.0-MIT.txt

This product includes buffer 5.4.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-buffer-5.4.3-LICENSE

This product includes browser-stdout 1.3.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-browser-stdout-1.3.1-LICENSE

This product includes browser-process-hrtime 0.1.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-browser-process-hrtime-0.1.3-LICENSE

This product includes braces 3.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-braces-3.0.2-LICENSE

This product includes brace-expansion 1.1.11 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-brace-expansion-1.1.11-README.md

This product includes boxen 3.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-boxen-3.2.0-license

This product includes boolean 3.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-boolean-3.0.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes bluebird-lst 1.0.9 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes bluebird 3.7.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-bluebird-3.7.1-LICENSE

This product includes bl 1.2.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-bl-1.2.2-LICENSE.md

This product includes binary-extensions 2.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-binary-extensions-2.0.0-license

This product includes bcrypt-pbkdf 1.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-3-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-bcrypt-pbkdf-1.0.2-BSD-4-Clause.txt

This product includes base64-js 1.3.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-base64-js-1.3.1-LICENSE

This product includes balanced-match 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-balanced-match-1.0.0-LICENSE.md

This product includes babel-runtime 6.26.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-babel-runtime-6.26.0-LICENSE

This product includes aws4 1.9.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-aws4-1.9.1-LICENSE

This product includes aws-sign2 0.7.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-aws-sign2-0.7.0-LICENSE

This product includes atob 2.1.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-atob-2.1.2-LICENSE

This product includes asynckit 0.4.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-asynckit-0.4.0-LICENSE

This product includes async-exit-hook 2.0.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-async-exit-hook-2.0.1-license

This product includes async 2.6.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-async-2.6.3-LICENSE

This product includes assertion-error 1.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes assert-plus 1.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-assert-plus-1.0.0-README.md

This product includes asn1 0.2.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-asn1-0.2.4-LICENSE

This product includes array-find-index 1.0.2 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-array-find-index-1.0.2-license

This product includes argparse 1.0.10 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-argparse-1.0.10-LICENSE

This product includes archiver-utils 1.3.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-archiver-utils-1.3.0-LICENSE

This product includes archiver 2.1.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-archiver-2.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes app-builder-lib 21.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes app-builder-bin 3.4.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes ansi-styles 3.2.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ansi-styles-3.2.1-MIT.txt

This product includes ansi-escapes 3.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ansi-escapes-3.2.0-license

This product includes ansi-colors 3.2.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ansi-colors-3.2.3-LICENSE

This product includes ansi-align 3.0.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'ISC' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ansi-align-3.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes ajv-keywords 3.4.1 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ajv-keywords-3.4.1-LICENSE

This product includes ajv 6.11.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-ajv-6.11.0-LICENSE

This product includes acorn-walk 6.2.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-acorn-walk-6.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes acorn-globals 4.3.4 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-acorn-globals-4.3.4-LICENSE

This product includes acorn 6.4.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-acorn-6.4.0-LICENSE

This product includes acorn 7.1.0 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-acorn-7.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes abab 2.0.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'BSD-3-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-abab-2.0.3-LICENSE.md

This product includes 7zip-bin 5.0.3 which is a 'js_npm' dependency of 'chef-workstation-app', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/js_npm-7zip-bin-5.0.3-LICENSE.txt

This product includes rake 12.3.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-rake-12.3.2-MIT-LICENSE

This product includes concurrent-ruby 1.1.6 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-concurrent-ruby-1.1.6-LICENSE.md

This product includes i18n 1.8.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-i18n-1.8.2-MIT-LICENSE

This product includes minitest 5.11.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-minitest-5.11.3-README.rdoc

This product includes thread_safe 0.3.6 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-thread_safe-0.3.6-LICENSE

This product includes tzinfo 1.2.6 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-tzinfo-1.2.6-LICENSE

This product includes activesupport which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-activesupport-

This product includes public_suffix 3.1.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-public_suffix-3.1.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes addressable 2.5.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-addressable-2.5.2-LICENSE.txt

This product includes mixlib-cli 2.1.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-mixlib-cli-2.1.5-LICENSE

This product includes ffi 1.12.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'BSD-3-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-ffi-1.12.2-COPYING C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-ffi-1.12.2-LICENSE

This product includes win32-process 0.8.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Artistic-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-win32-process-0.8.3-README.md

This product includes wmi-lite 1.0.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-wmi-lite-1.0.5-LICENSE

This product includes mixlib-shellout 3.0.9 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-mixlib-shellout-3.0.9-LICENSE

This product includes appbundler 0.13.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-appbundler-0.13.2-LICENSE

This product includes artifactory 3.0.12 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-artifactory-3.0.12-LICENSE

This product includes ast 2.4.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-ast-2.4.0-LICENSE.MIT

This product includes aws-eventstream 1.0.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-eventstream-1.0.3-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-partitions 1.277.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-partitions-1.277.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sigv4 1.1.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sigv4-1.1.1-readme.md

This product includes jmespath 1.4.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-jmespath-1.4.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-core 3.90.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-core-3.90.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-apigateway 1.36.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-apigateway-1.36.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-apigatewayv2 1.15.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-apigatewayv2-1.15.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-athena 1.22.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-athena-1.22.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-autoscaling 1.22.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-autoscaling-1.22.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-budgets 1.27.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-budgets-1.27.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-cloudformation 1.30.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-cloudformation-1.30.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-cloudhsm 1.19.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-cloudhsm-1.19.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-cloudhsmv2 1.20.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-cloudhsmv2-1.20.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-cloudtrail 1.20.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-cloudtrail-1.20.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-cloudwatch 1.32.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-cloudwatch-1.32.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-cloudwatchlogs 1.28.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-cloudwatchlogs-1.28.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-codecommit 1.30.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-codecommit-1.30.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-codedeploy 1.27.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-codedeploy-1.27.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-codepipeline 1.28.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-codepipeline-1.28.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-configservice 1.40.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-configservice-1.40.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-costandusagereportservice 1.18.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-costandusagereportservice-1.18.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-dynamodb 1.43.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-dynamodb-1.43.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-ec2 1.145.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-ec2-1.145.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-ecr 1.25.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-ecr-1.25.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-ecs 1.57.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-ecs-1.57.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-eks 1.31.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-eks-1.31.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-elasticache 1.29.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-elasticache-1.29.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-elasticbeanstalk 1.26.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-elasticbeanstalk-1.26.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancing 1.19.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancing-1.19.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancingv2 1.39.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancingv2-1.39.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-elasticsearchservice 1.30.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-elasticsearchservice-1.30.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-firehose 1.24.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-firehose-1.24.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-iam 1.33.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-iam-1.33.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-kafka 1.18.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-kafka-1.18.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-kinesis 1.20.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-kinesis-1.20.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-kms 1.29.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-kms-1.29.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-lambda 1.36.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-lambda-1.36.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-organizations 1.17.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-organizations-1.17.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-rds 1.78.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-rds-1.78.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-redshift 1.37.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-redshift-1.37.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-route53 1.30.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-route53-1.30.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-route53domains 1.18.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-route53domains-1.18.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-route53resolver 1.11.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-route53resolver-1.11.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-s3 1.60.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-s3-1.60.2-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-securityhub 1.19.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-securityhub-1.19.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-ses 1.27.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-ses-1.27.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-sms 1.17.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-sms-1.17.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-sns 1.21.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-sns-1.21.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-sqs 1.23.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-sqs-1.23.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes aws-sdk-ssm 1.71.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-aws-sdk-ssm-1.71.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes descendants_tracker 0.0.4 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-descendants_tracker-0.0.4-LICENSE

This product includes ice_nine 0.11.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-ice_nine-0.11.2-LICENSE

This product includes axiom-types 0.1.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-axiom-types-0.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes multipart-post 2.1.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-multipart-post-2.1.1-README.md

This product includes faraday 0.17.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-faraday-0.17.3-LICENSE.md

This product includes unf_ext which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-unf_ext-

This product includes unf 0.1.4 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a '2-clause BSDL' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-unf-0.1.4-LICENSE

This product includes domain_name 0.5.20190701 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-domain_name-0.5.20190701-LICENSE.txt

This product includes http-cookie 1.0.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-http-cookie-1.0.3-LICENSE.txt

This product includes faraday-cookie_jar 0.0.6 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-faraday-cookie_jar-0.0.6-LICENSE.txt

This product includes timeliness 0.3.10 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-timeliness-0.3.10-LICENSE

This product includes ms_rest 0.7.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-ms_rest-0.7.5-LICENSE.txt

This product includes ms_rest_azure 0.11.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-ms_rest_azure-0.11.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes azure_graph_rbac 0.17.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-azure_graph_rbac-0.17.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes azure_mgmt_compute 0.19.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-azure_mgmt_compute-0.19.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes azure_mgmt_key_vault 0.17.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-azure_mgmt_key_vault-0.17.5-LICENSE.txt

This product includes azure_mgmt_network 0.23.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-azure_mgmt_network-0.23.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes azure_mgmt_resources 0.17.8 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-azure_mgmt_resources-0.17.8-LICENSE.txt

This product includes azure_mgmt_security 0.18.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-azure_mgmt_security-0.18.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes azure_mgmt_storage 0.19.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-azure_mgmt_storage-0.19.2-LICENSE.txt

This product includes backports 3.16.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-backports-3.16.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes bcrypt_pbkdf 1.0.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-bcrypt_pbkdf-1.0.1-COPYING

This product includes bundler 1.17.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-bundler-1.17.2-LICENSE.md

This product includes chef-utils 15.8.23 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-chef-utils-15.8.23-LICENSE

This product includes fuzzyurl 0.9.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-fuzzyurl-0.9.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes tomlrb 1.2.9 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-tomlrb-1.2.9-LICENSE.txt

This product includes mixlib-config 3.0.6 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-mixlib-config-3.0.6-LICENSE

This product includes chef-config 15.8.23 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-chef-config-15.8.23-LICENSE

This product includes libyajl2 1.2.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache 2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-libyajl2-1.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes ffi-yajl 2.3.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-ffi-yajl-2.3.3-LICENSE

This product includes hashie 3.6.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-hashie-3.6.0-LICENSE

This product includes mixlib-log 3.0.8 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-mixlib-log-3.0.8-LICENSE

This product includes rack 2.2.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-rack-2.2.2-MIT-LICENSE

This product includes uuidtools 2.1.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-uuidtools-2.1.5-LICENSE.txt

This product includes chef-zero 15.0.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-chef-zero-15.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes diff-lcs 1.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-diff-lcs-1.3-License.md

This product includes ed25519 1.2.4 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-ed25519-1.2.4-LICENSE

This product includes erubis 2.7.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-erubis-2.7.0-MIT-LICENSE

This product includes ffi-libarchive 1.0.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-ffi-libarchive-1.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes highline 1.7.10 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Ruby' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-highline-1.7.10-LICENSE

This product includes iniparse 1.4.4 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-iniparse-1.4.4-LICENSE

This product includes iso8601 0.12.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-iso8601-0.12.1-LICENSE

This product includes equatable 0.6.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-equatable-0.6.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes tty-color 0.5.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-tty-color-0.5.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes pastel 0.7.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-pastel-0.7.3-LICENSE.txt

This product includes strings-ansi 0.2.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-strings-ansi-0.2.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes unicode-display_width 1.6.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-unicode-display_width-1.6.1-MIT-LICENSE.txt

This product includes unicode_utils 1.4.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-unicode_utils-1.4.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes strings 0.1.8 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-strings-0.1.8-LICENSE.txt

This product includes tty-cursor 0.7.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-tty-cursor-0.7.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes tty-box 0.5.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-tty-box-0.5.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes necromancer 0.5.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-necromancer-0.5.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes tty-screen 0.7.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-tty-screen-0.7.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes wisper 2.0.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-wisper-2.0.1-README.md

This product includes tty-reader 0.7.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-tty-reader-0.7.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes tty-prompt 0.20.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-tty-prompt-0.20.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes license-acceptance 1.0.13 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-license-acceptance-1.0.13-LICENSE

This product includes mixlib-archive 1.0.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-mixlib-archive-1.0.5-LICENSE

This product includes mixlib-authentication 3.0.6 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-mixlib-authentication-3.0.6-LICENSE

This product includes net-ssh 5.2.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-net-ssh-5.2.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes net-sftp 2.1.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-net-sftp-2.1.2-LICENSE.txt

This product includes net-ssh-gateway 2.0.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-net-ssh-gateway-2.0.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes net-ssh-multi 1.2.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-net-ssh-multi-1.2.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes ipaddress 0.8.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-ipaddress-0.8.3-LICENSE.txt

This product includes plist 3.5.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-plist-3.5.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes systemu 2.6.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-systemu-2.6.5-LICENSE

This product includes ohai 15.7.4 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-ohai-15.7.4-LICENSE

This product includes proxifier 1.0.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-proxifier-1.0.3-LICENSE

This product includes syslog-logger 1.6.8 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-syslog-logger-1.6.8-README.rdoc

This product includes json 2.3.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Ruby' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-json-2.3.0-README.md

This product includes net-scp 2.0.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-net-scp-2.0.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes train-core 3.2.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-train-core-3.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes builder 3.2.4 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-builder-3.2.4-MIT-LICENSE

This product includes erubi 1.9.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-erubi-1.9.0-MIT-LICENSE

This product includes gssapi 1.3.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-gssapi-1.3.0-COPYING

This product includes gyoku 1.3.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-gyoku-1.3.1-MIT-LICENSE

This product includes httpclient 2.8.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Ruby' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-httpclient-2.8.3-README.md

This product includes little-plugger 1.1.4 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-little-plugger-1.1.4-README.rdoc

This product includes multi_json 1.14.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-multi_json-1.14.1-LICENSE.md

This product includes logging 2.2.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-logging-2.2.2-README.md

This product includes nori 2.6.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-nori-2.6.0-LICENSE

This product includes rubyntlm 0.6.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-rubyntlm-0.6.2-LICENSE

This product includes winrm 2.3.4 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-winrm-2.3.4-LICENSE

This product includes rubyzip 1.3.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'BSD 2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-rubyzip-1.3.0-README.md

This product includes winrm-fs 1.3.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-winrm-fs-1.3.3-LICENSE

This product includes train-winrm 0.2.6 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-train-winrm-0.2.6-LICENSE

This product includes win32-api 1.5.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Artistic-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-win32-api-1.5.3-README

This product includes win32-certstore 0.4.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-win32-certstore-0.4.0-LICENSE

This product includes win32-dir 0.5.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Artistic-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-win32-dir-0.5.1-README.md

This product includes win32-ipc 0.7.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Artistic-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-win32-ipc-0.7.0-README.md

This product includes win32-event 0.6.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Artistic-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-win32-event-0.6.3-README

This product includes win32-eventlog 0.6.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Artistic-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-win32-eventlog-0.6.3-README

This product includes win32-mmap 0.4.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Artistic-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-win32-mmap-0.4.2-README.md

This product includes win32-mutex 0.4.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Artistic-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-win32-mutex-0.4.3-README.md

This product includes ffi-win32-extensions 1.0.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache 2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-ffi-win32-extensions-1.0.3-LICENSE

This product includes win32-service 2.1.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Artistic-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-win32-service-2.1.5-README.md

This product includes structured_warnings 0.4.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-structured_warnings-0.4.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes win32-taskscheduler 2.0.4 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Artistic-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-win32-taskscheduler-2.0.4-README.md

This product includes chef 15.8.23 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-chef-15.8.23-LICENSE

This product includes cleanroom 1.0.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache 2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-cleanroom-1.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes minitar 0.9 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Ruby' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-minitar-0.9-README

This product includes sawyer 0.8.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-sawyer-0.8.2-LICENSE.md

This product includes octokit 4.16.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-octokit-4.16.0-LICENSE.md

This product includes retryable 3.0.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-retryable-3.0.5-LICENSE.md

This product includes molinillo 0.6.6 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-molinillo-0.6.6-LICENSE

This product includes semverse 3.0.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-semverse-3.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes solve 4.0.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-solve-4.0.3-LICENSE

This product includes thor 0.20.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-thor-0.20.3-LICENSE.md

This product includes berkshelf 7.0.9 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-berkshelf-7.0.9-LICENSE

This product includes debug_inspector 0.0.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-debug_inspector-0.0.3-README.md

This product includes binding_of_caller 0.8.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-binding_of_caller-0.8.0-LICENSE

This product includes byebug 11.1.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-byebug-11.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes mime-types-data 3.2019.1009 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-mime-types-data-3.2019.1009-Licence.md

This product includes mime-types 3.3.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-mime-types-3.3.1-Licence.md

This product includes chef-api 0.10.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-chef-api-0.10.5-LICENSE

This product includes cookbook-omnifetch 0.9.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-cookbook-omnifetch-0.9.1-LICENSE

This product includes paint 1.0.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-paint-1.0.1-MIT-LICENSE.txt

This product includes chef-cli 2.0.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-chef-cli-2.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes http-form_data 1.0.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-http-form_data-1.0.3-LICENSE.txt

This product includes http_parser.rb 0.6.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-http_parser.rb-0.6.0-LICENSE-MIT

This product includes http 2.2.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-http-2.2.2-LICENSE.txt

This product includes chef-telemetry 1.0.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-chef-telemetry-1.0.3-LICENSE

This product includes mixlib-versioning 1.2.12 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-mixlib-versioning-1.2.12-LICENSE

This product includes mixlib-install 3.11.26 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-mixlib-install-3.11.26-LICENSE

This product includes r18n-core 4.0.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'LGPL-3.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-r18n-core-4.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes r18n-desktop 4.0.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'LGPL-3.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-r18n-desktop-4.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes citrus 3.0.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a '' License. For details, see:

This product includes toml-rb 2.0.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-toml-rb-2.0.1-LICENSE

This product includes tty-spinner 0.9.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-tty-spinner-0.9.3-LICENSE.txt

This product includes chef-apply 0.4.15 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-chef-apply-0.4.15-LICENSE

This product includes chef-bin 15.8.23 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-chef-bin-15.8.23-LICENSE

This product includes chef-sugar 5.1.9 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-chef-sugar-5.1.9-LICENSE

This product includes chef-vault 4.0.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-chef-vault-4.0.1-LICENSE

This product includes cheffish 15.0.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-cheffish-15.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes fauxhai-ng 7.6.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-fauxhai-ng-7.6.0-LICENSE

This product includes rspec-support 3.9.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-rspec-support-3.9.2-LICENSE.md

This product includes rspec-core 3.9.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-rspec-core-3.9.1-LICENSE.md

This product includes rspec-expectations 3.9.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-rspec-expectations-3.9.0-LICENSE.md

This product includes rspec-mocks 3.9.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-rspec-mocks-3.9.1-LICENSE.md

This product includes rspec 3.9.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-rspec-3.9.0-LICENSE.md

This product includes chefspec 9.1.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-chefspec-9.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes jaro_winkler 1.5.4 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-jaro_winkler-1.5.4-LICENSE.txt

This product includes parallel 1.19.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-parallel-1.19.1-MIT-LICENSE.txt

This product includes parser which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-parser-

This product includes rainbow 3.0.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-rainbow-3.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes ruby-progressbar 1.10.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-ruby-progressbar-1.10.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes rubocop 0.75.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-rubocop-0.75.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes chefstyle 0.14.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-chefstyle-0.14.1-LICENSE

This product includes coderay 1.1.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-coderay-1.1.2-README_INDEX.rdoc

This product includes coercible 1.0.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-coercible-1.0.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes cookstyle 5.21.9 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-cookstyle-5.21.9-LICENSE

This product includes cucumber-tag_expressions 1.1.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-cucumber-tag_expressions-1.1.1-LICENSE

This product includes gherkin 5.1.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-gherkin-5.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes cucumber-core 3.2.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-cucumber-core-3.2.1-LICENSE

This product includes declarative 0.0.10 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-declarative-0.0.10-LICENSE.txt

This product includes declarative-option 0.1.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-declarative-option-0.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes dep-selector-libgecode 1.3.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-dep-selector-libgecode-1.3.5-LICENSE

This product includes dep_selector 1.0.6 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache v2' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-dep_selector-1.0.6-LICENSE

This product includes excon 0.72.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-excon-0.72.0-LICENSE.md

This product includes docker-api 1.34.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-docker-api-1.34.2-LICENSE

This product includes kartograph 0.2.7 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-kartograph-0.2.7-LICENSE.txt

This product includes resource_kit 0.1.7 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-resource_kit-0.1.7-LICENSE.txt

This product includes equalizer 0.0.11 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-equalizer-0.0.11-LICENSE

This product includes virtus 1.0.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-virtus-1.0.5-LICENSE

This product includes droplet_kit 3.5.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-droplet_kit-3.5.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes regexp_parser 1.7.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-regexp_parser-1.7.0-LICENSE

This product includes ecma-re-validator 0.2.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-ecma-re-validator-0.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes faraday_middleware 0.12.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-faraday_middleware-0.12.2-LICENSE.md

This product includes ffi-rzmq-core 1.0.7 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-ffi-rzmq-core-1.0.7-LICENSE

This product includes ffi-rzmq 2.0.7 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes filesize 0.2.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-filesize-0.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes mini_portile2 2.4.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-mini_portile2-2.4.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes nokogiri 1.10.8 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-nokogiri-1.10.8-LICENSE.md

This product includes rufus-lru 1.1.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-rufus-lru-1.1.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes polyglot 0.3.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-polyglot-0.3.5-License.txt

This product includes treetop 1.6.10 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-treetop-1.6.10-LICENSE

This product includes foodcritic 16.2.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-foodcritic-16.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes formatador 0.2.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a '' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-formatador-0.2.5-LICENSE.md

This product includes jwt 2.2.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-jwt-2.2.1-LICENSE

This product includes memoist 0.16.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-memoist-0.16.2-LICENSE.md

This product includes os 1.0.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-os-1.0.1-LICENSE

This product includes signet 0.13.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-signet-0.13.0-LICENSE

This product includes googleauth 0.10.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-googleauth-0.10.0-COPYING

This product includes mini_mime 1.0.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-mini_mime-1.0.2-LICENSE.txt

This product includes uber 0.1.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-uber-0.1.0-LICENSE

This product includes representable 3.0.4 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-representable-3.0.4-LICENSE

This product includes retriable 3.1.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-retriable-3.1.2-LICENSE

This product includes google-api-client 0.34.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-google-api-client-0.34.1-LICENSE

This product includes gcewinpass 1.1.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a '' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-gcewinpass-1.1.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes rb-fsevent 0.10.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-rb-fsevent-0.10.3-LICENSE.txt

This product includes rb-inotify 0.10.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-rb-inotify-0.10.1-README.md

This product includes listen 3.2.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-listen-3.2.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes lumberjack 1.2.4 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes nenv 0.3.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-nenv-0.3.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes shellany 0.0.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-shellany-0.0.1-LICENSE.txt

This product includes notiffany 0.1.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-notiffany-0.1.3-LICENSE.txt

This product includes method_source 0.9.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-method_source-0.9.2-LICENSE

This product includes pry 0.12.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-pry-0.12.2-LICENSE

This product includes guard 2.16.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-guard-2.16.1-LICENSE

This product includes hana 1.3.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes htmlentities 4.3.4 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-htmlentities-4.3.4-COPYING.txt

This product includes inifile 3.0.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-inifile-3.0.0-README.md

This product includes uri_template 0.7.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes json_schemer 0.2.10 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-json_schemer-0.2.10-LICENSE.txt

This product includes parslet 1.8.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-parslet-1.8.2-LICENSE

This product includes rspec-its 1.3.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-rspec-its-1.3.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes sslshake 1.3.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MPL-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-sslshake-1.3.0-README.md

This product includes sync 0.5.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-sync-0.5.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes tins 1.24.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-tins-1.24.1-COPYING

This product includes term-ansicolor 1.7.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-term-ansicolor-1.7.1-COPYING

This product includes tty-table 0.11.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-tty-table-0.11.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes inspec-core 4.18.97 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-inspec-core-4.18.97-LICENSE

This product includes train 3.2.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-train-3.2.0-LICENSE

This product includes train-aws 0.1.15 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-train-aws-0.1.15-LICENSE

This product includes train-habitat 0.2.13 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-train-habitat-0.2.13-LICENSE

This product includes inspec 4.18.97 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see:

This product includes inspec-bin 4.18.97 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-inspec-bin-4.18.97-LICENSE

This product includes sshkey 2.0.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-sshkey-2.0.0-LICENSE

This product includes kitchen-azurerm 0.15.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-kitchen-azurerm-0.15.1-LICENSE

This product includes winrm-elevated 1.2.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-winrm-elevated-1.2.1-LICENSE

This product includes test-kitchen 2.3.4 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-test-kitchen-2.3.4-LICENSE

This product includes kitchen-digitalocean 0.10.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-kitchen-digitalocean-0.10.5-LICENSE

This product includes lockfile 2.1.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Ruby' License. For details, see:

This product includes kitchen-dokken 2.8.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-kitchen-dokken-2.8.1-LICENSE

This product includes kitchen-ec2 3.3.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-kitchen-ec2-3.3.0-LICENSE

This product includes kitchen-google 2.0.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-kitchen-google-2.0.3-LICENSE

This product includes kitchen-hyperv 0.5.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-kitchen-hyperv-0.5.3-LICENSE

This product includes kitchen-inspec 1.3.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-kitchen-inspec-1.3.1-LICENSE

This product includes kitchen-vagrant 1.6.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-kitchen-vagrant-1.6.1-LICENSE

This product includes optimist 3.0.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see:

This product includes rbvmomi 2.3.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-rbvmomi-2.3.0-LICENSE

This product includes vsphere-automation-runtime 0.4.6 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-vsphere-automation-runtime-0.4.6-LICENSE

This product includes vsphere-automation-cis 0.4.6 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-vsphere-automation-cis-0.4.6-LICENSE

This product includes vsphere-automation-appliance 0.4.6 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-vsphere-automation-appliance-0.4.6-LICENSE

This product includes vsphere-automation-content 0.4.6 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-vsphere-automation-content-0.4.6-LICENSE

This product includes vsphere-automation-vapi 0.4.6 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-vsphere-automation-vapi-0.4.6-LICENSE

This product includes vsphere-automation-vcenter 0.4.6 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-vsphere-automation-vcenter-0.4.6-LICENSE

This product includes vsphere-automation-sdk 0.4.6 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-vsphere-automation-sdk-0.4.6-LICENSE

This product includes kitchen-vcenter 2.6.4 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-kitchen-vcenter-2.6.4-LICENSE

This product includes knife-acl 1.0.8 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a '' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-knife-acl-1.0.8-LICENSE

This product includes knife-azure 2.0.13 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache 2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-knife-azure-2.0.13-LICENSE

This product includes knife-cloud 2.0.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a '' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-knife-cloud-2.0.5-LICENSE

This product includes knife-ec2 1.0.32 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-knife-ec2-1.0.32-LICENSE

This product includes knife-google 4.2.8 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-knife-google-4.2.8-LICENSE

This product includes knife-opc 0.4.4 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-knife-opc-0.4.4-LICENSE

This product includes knife-push 1.1.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-knife-push-1.1.5-LICENSE

This product includes knife-tidy 2.0.9 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-knife-tidy-2.0.9-LICENSE

This product includes rb-readline 0.5.5 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'BSD' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-rb-readline-0.5.5-LICENSE

This product includes knife-vcenter 3.0.2 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-knife-vcenter-3.0.2-LICENSE

This product includes netaddr 1.5.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-netaddr-1.5.1-license

This product includes knife-vsphere 4.1.3 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-knife-vsphere-4.1.3-LICENSE

This product includes knife-windows 3.0.16 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-knife-windows-3.0.16-LICENSE

This product includes kramdown 2.1.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-kramdown-2.1.0-COPYING

This product includes kramdown-parser-gfm 1.1.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-kramdown-parser-gfm-1.1.0-COPYING

This product includes mdl 0.9.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-mdl-0.9.0-LICENSE.txt

This product includes opscode-pushy-client 2.99.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a '' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-opscode-pushy-client-2.99.0-LICENSE

This product includes pry-byebug 3.8.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-pry-byebug-3.8.0-LICENSE

This product includes slop 3.6.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-slop-3.6.0-LICENSE

This product includes pry-remote 0.1.8 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-pry-remote-0.1.8-LICENSE

This product includes pry-stack_explorer which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-pry-stack_explorer-

This product includes rdp-ruby-wmi 0.3.1 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a '' License. For details, see:

This product includes ruby-prof 1.3.0 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'BSD-2-Clause' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-ruby-prof-1.3.0-LICENSE

This product includes stove 7.1.6 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-stove-7.1.6-LICENSE

This product includes windows-api 0.4.4 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Artistic-2.0' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-windows-api-0.4.4-README

This product includes windows-pr 1.2.6 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'Artistic 2.0' License. For details, see:

This product includes yard 0.9.24 which is a 'ruby_bundler' dependency of 'gems', and which is available under a 'MIT' License. For details, see: C:/opscode/chef-workstation/LICENSES/ruby_bundler-yard-0.9.24-LICENSE