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Enterprise vs. Community Chef – A CISO’s Handbook

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If you are a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), we know that your job is challenging. Among the many decisions you face, integrating security into the DevOps process remains a crucial task. The key challenge is in effectively transitioning your DevOps process towards DevSecOps, maintaining security every step of the way.

Progress® Chef® can help you do that.

Chef is a versatile DevSecOps platform that automates various tasks, including configuration, compliance and security management, cloud security, application deployment, edge management, network device management and job orchestration.

Chef comes in two versions: the feature-rich, security-driven Enterprise Chef and the community-driven, open-source Community Chef.

This guide will help you answer the following questions:

  1. What is the difference between Enterprise Chef and Community Chef?
  2. Which version provides increased security and compliance?
  3. When should you move to Enterprise Chef?
  4. Is Enterprise Chef only for managing security in large-scale businesses?

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