Azure DevOps CI/CD: Git-Chef-Azure Pipelines – Virtual
Building, testing and deploying code doesn’t have to be complex and time-consuming. This course will teach students how to create and use an end-to-end CI/CD pipeline that validates, automates, and stores code changes for faster, more secure delivery. In this course, attendees will learn the software and processes for building, testing, and deploying code. Upon completion of this course, attendees will know how to operate and maintain a DevOps pipeline that ensures only high-quality and approved code gets deployed into production, backs up all code in source control management, and automates code changes.
This course is delivered virtually online and you can attend from any location on the planet with a solid internet connection
Course Summary
Building, testing and deploying code doesn’t have to be complex and time-consuming. This course will teach students how to create and use an end-to-end CI/CD pipeline that validates, automates, and stores code changes for faster, more secure delivery. In this course, attendees will learn the software and processes for building, testing, and deploying code. Upon completion of this course, attendees will know how to operate and maintain a DevOps pipeline that ensures only high-quality and approved code gets deployed into production, backs up all code in source control management, and automates code changes.
Course Agenda
- Git source and version control management. This course will teach you the fundamentals of using git so you can effectively share, collaborate, backup and version any code.
- Configuration management. We’ll teach you how to configure and spin up servers (web, database, load balancer, or any application servers), using a configuration management tool and code stored in git.
- Testing and continuous integration/continuous deployment. Learn to integrate git and configuration management with a CI/CD tool to build, test, and deploy code into test, staging, and production environments, creating an automated end-to-end DevOps pipeline.
Course Duration as Configured: 3 Days
Git: Source Control Management: AzureRepos
- Purpose and overview of Git
- Use cases for Git
- Git flow
- Other Git providers
- Git configuration
- Finding help on Git
- Creating Local Git Repositories
- Basic Commands: add, commit, status, log
- Comparing commits: git diff
- Using a Repository: git push
- Branches: creating, merging and deleting
- Resolving merge conflicts
- Managing Pull Requests
- Using SSH keys with AzureRepos Private repositories
Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): AzurePipelines
- CI/CD = Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment
- Purpose & history
- Architecture
- Signing up for Azure Pipeline
- Projects/Jobs
- CI/CD as Code
- Managing credentials and secret files
- Integrating with Source Control Management
- Scheduled Polling and Webhooks
- Automated code linting and testing
- Azure Pipelines Integration with configuration management
- Creating Separate Build and Release Pipelines
- Continuous Deployment through Azure Pipelines
Configuration Management: Chef
- Purpose and Use Cases for Chef
- Architecture and Call Flow
- Resources, Recipes, Cookbooks
- Chef Policyfiles
- Integration Testing with Inspec and Test Kitchen
- Chef Infra Server as Centralized Node Management
- Bootstrapping Chef-managed Nodes
Notifications: Microsoft Teams
- Integrating CI/CD with Microsoft Teams
- Using Microsoft Teams for CI/CD approvals and notifications
Customer Comments

I don't usually like online training, but this training was great and Eric is really good, well-organized, and in control. The way he engaged each participants is amazing, and how he troubleshoot issues.

Class was excellent, and the Instructor was even better! Robin Beck is the best!

The lab setups are excellent and allow the class to focus on the training objectives. It was a great way to get hands on experience with Compliance in one day.

This was the best training class I've taken. It was online using Zoom, it was super easy to share code and collaborate. The instructor kept everything going at a perfect pace and his knowledge and expertise on the topic was evident. 22 years of training in my career and this was hands down the best class I've taken. Better than classroom training. Looking forward to more!

This was the best course I've ever taken. The instructor was just GREAT!

Just Great!

It was great.

Robin Beck provided an excellent training: he was very knowledgeable and held a very comprehensive two day training session!

this is a great class, with great content and mentor

Excellent information presented by an experienced practitioner and an excellent presenter.

Even though I've been using Chef for three years, I found this class immensely useful; not only did it allow me to examine and compare my current practices to those presented in the training, but I learned several new techniques for using Chef tools.

I will recommend this class to my organization as one of the more complete solutions to on boarding new Chef users.

I was sad to have the training end! The personalized attention from the instructor was priceless. Chef made sense and I LOVED it! Every question and problem were solved and explained. Truly craft masters of Chef, take this and be ready to be amazed. I'm applying what I learned the next week after the course. Thank you CHEF!