

Nominate an Awesome Community Chef

The Chef community is full of many awesome individuals who contribute and do exceptional things every day. Each year at ChefConf, individuals are awarded the Awesome Community Chef award.

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Chef at KubeCon Europe

Last week Chef was in Berlin for the 2017 edition of Kubecon EU. For me personally, this was my second CloudNativeCon/Kubecon, and it definitely lived up to my expectations. The attendees of CloudNativeCon/Kubecon seem to be some of the brightest conference attendees I’ve seen.

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Computing DevOps Summit and Awards

On 22nd March I had the pleasure along with a few other Chefs of being invited to the Computing DevOps Excellence Awards hosted at the Marriott Grosvenor Square Hotel in London.

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Hands on with Habitat – West Coast

Chef has been on the road hosting workshops to help people take an applications-first approach to automation with Habitat. Our most recent stops on our Hands on With Habitat world tour were March 22 and 23 in San Francisco and San Jose. These workshops are aimed at anyone involved in building, deploying, or managing applications.

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What’s Cooking: Week of 3/27-3/31

We’re whipping up awesome all over the globe next week. Find us at an event near you and connect with our friendly community of wickedly smart practitioners who want to help you succeed with Chef.

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Chef at DevOpsDays Baltimore 2017

The Event Baltimore held its inaugural DevOpsDays on March 7-8, 2017 at UMBC’s Columbus Center, the home of the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology (IMET) in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. The space was dynamic with open tiers for presentations and quiet corners for open spaces. Chef had a strong presence as a Platinum sponsor.

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Chef at SCaLE15x

The 15th annual SCaLE (Southern California Area Linux Expo) was held March 2-5, 2017  at the Pasadena Convention Center. This 4-day gathering of Linux enthusiasts was filled with 200+ speakers and presentations, 90+ exhibits and lots of special events.

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Docker Container Compliance with InSpec

Thanks to its speed and approachability, Docker has done a great deal to make containers popular. Need a quick Redis server? docker run redis and boom, you’ve got a Redis server. However, compared to traditional hosts and virtual machines, containers are considerably more difficult to reason about.

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Interop ITX: Let’s Talk DevOps

Open communication is a key driver in the success of any DevOps initiative. Which is why I was excited to participate in a recent DevOps Tweet Chat hosted by the team at InformationWeek and Interop ITX. We kicked off the discussion sharing insight on the success patterns and benefits of DevOps.

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Quantifying DevOps Outcomes: Managing Risk

Last week, we held our second webinar in a four part series focused on digital transformation. In that session, we focused on why mitigating risk is essential to increasing speed. In case you missed it, you can watch a recording of the second episode, “Managing Risk” below.

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