Chef Infra 101: The Road to Best Practices
In this blog post, you’ll take a look at some practices that can help you get a running start with your Chef automation and the principle of Policy as Code. It’s intended for any IT professional or Chef newcomer.
Read more[eBook] 10 Ways to Optimize Your Chef Infrastructure Automation Investment
Over time, Chef Infrastructure Automation has become more powerful. Be it creating your own custom resources to simplify writing cookbooks or implementing or monitoring real-time data across environments, there is a myriad of ways for you to make the best use of your infrastructure automation. This eBook covers key best practices for creating better automation.
Read moreUpgrading Your Cookbooks for Compatibility with Chef Infra Client 16

By Rob Campbell
It’s time to talk about Chef Infra upgrades! Last time around, we covered why it’s important to run on the latest client, and reviewed some of the improvements that have been made in the last few years of releases.
Read moreUpgrading Chef Infra: Introduction

By Nick Rycar
Last week, I had the privilege of announcing the launch of Chef Infra Client 16. In addition to providing a slew of features to improve ease of use, expand platform support and generally improve performance, we’ve invested significantly into improving the process of upgrading Chef Infra.
Read moreManaging Cookbooks at Scale

By Jason Field
Sous-Chefs is a community organisation and we like to think of ourselves as a home for unloved great cookbooks. We are also a place where these cookbooks will always get maintained moving forward.
Read moreThanks, Hacktoberfest Hackers!

By Mandi Walls
Holy Hacktoberfest, Batman! If you participated in Hacktoberfest this year, you’ve heard from Digital Ocean about how awesome the participation was this year. Just an incredible amount of PRs were created by folks working towards their Hacktoberfest rewards. What did you learn this year during Hacktoberfest?
Read moreHappy Birthday, Apache2 Cookbook!

By Mandi Walls
Last year, we celebrated Chef’s 10th birthday. A lot can happen in ten years, but a lot also stays the same. One of our other projects that is nearly as old as Chef Infra itself is the Apache2 cookbook.
Read moreAutomatically Updating Cookbooks with Cookstyle

By Tim Smithh
Infrastructure code, just like your infrastructure, is in constant flux. New services need to be updated and deployed, configuration changes need to be propagated, and security vulnerabilities mitigated. There’s a never-ending stream of code changes to make and once you’ve written your infrastructure code you just want it to work.
Read moreGoodbye, Foodcritic

By Tim Smithh
All good things come to an end, and now is the time to say goodbye to Foodcritic. In 2011, Andrew Crump did the Chef community a huge service by writing what would become the defacto standard code linter for Chef Cookbooks. Foodcritic was a ground up code linting tool built especially for Chef Cookbooks.
Read moreChef Open Source Community News – August 2018

By Julian Dunn
Here’s this month’s round up of what happened in August across the Chef, Habitat, and InSpec open-source communities. Chef This month’s release of Chef Client 14.4 is the newest in the Chef 14 series, and includes seven new preview resources, many improvements to existing resources, and a brand new Knife profile management command.
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