

Webinars that rocked in 2016

Chef webinars are a great way to learn about new products, integrations, and build your skills as a Chef practitioner. In 2016, we presented more than 30 live webinars to thousands of attendees across the globe.

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Top 10 Most Viewed Blogs of 2016

In 2016, we published more than 200 blog posts, highlighting major releases and announcements, partnerships and integrations, skill-building and how to articles, and more. Here are the top ten most viewed posts of 2016.

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Current state clarity, Part 2 – Policyfiles

If you’ve never heard of Policyfiles, you should start by reading Michael Hedgpeth’s excellent Introduction to Policyfiles.

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Policyfiles, Push Jobs, and Provisioning – Clarity on the current state of the Chef ecosystem

The 2016 Chef Community Summit in Seattle brought to light a particular set of concern and confusion in our community around the future of three Chef ecosystem tools: Policyfiles, Push Jobs, and Chef Provisioning.

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Test Ohai Plugins with ChefSpec and InSpec

You can test your custom Ohai plugins with ChefSpec using the chefspec-ohai gem, and with InSpec in Test Kitchen. This frees you from the traditionally difficult task of debugging a failing Ohai plugin. In this post, I’ll focus solely on testing an Ohai plugin.

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Chef at DevOpsDays Sydney

DevOpsDays Sydney was a great two-day event in downtown Sydney, Australia December 1st and 2nd. If you haven’t been to a DevOpsDay event in your area, you owe it to yourself to check it out. The “un-conference” format of opening keynotes with open spaces for attendee-driven conversations makes each one unique.

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Manage Secrets with Chef and HashiCorps Vault

On November 22, 2016, I presented a webinar with Seth Vargo on managing secrets with Chef and HashiCorp’s Vault. Our very large and highly engaged audience came prepared with great questions. We started off talking about generic secrets, and why you should start rotating them.

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Chef at DevOpsDays Berlin

The Event In its fourth year, Chef was again sponsoring DevOpsDays Berlin. The event was held in the cosy Kalkscheune in Berlin-Mitte, giving at a quite homey atmosphere. Chef had a strong presence as a platinum sponsor and with presenters like Nathen Harvey and Eric Maxwell.

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Tis’ the season for DevOps and putting customers first

The holiday season is a time often spent with family, friends and… shopping carts. Retail sales over this season are expected to reach a record high of $655.8 billion. And with purchases going through the roof, companies are highly focused — for good reason — on customer experience.

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Chef at DevOpsDays Cape Town

I am delighted to have joined over 200 people from all over the world that flocked to Cape Town, South Africa for the first ever DevOpsDays in South Africa! DevOpsDays Cape Town was held at the Doubletree Hotel in the Woodstock neighborhood of Cape Town. The conference opened on November 7th, 2016.

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