

Chef at DevOpsDays Dallas

In the great state of Texas we are lucky enough to have a couple DevOpsDays. This year, Chef was a Platinum Sponsor at the first ever DevOpsDays Dallas on September 15th and 16th. We had Michael Hedgpeth emceeing our maiden voyage.

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Chef Board of Governance Meeting

The Chef Board of Governance (CBGB) held its second meeting of 2016 on Wednesday, September 7. Eight members of the board attended the meeting. Nathen Harvey and Thom May from Chef Software were also there to observe and advise.

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ALDO – Agile Lean DevOps Outcomes

It’s no secret that DevOps is taking the enterprise by storm. In a recent RightScale survey, more than 80 percent of the enterprise and 70 percent of SMBs are adopting DevOps. At its core, DevOps is about building and delivering quality software at scale.

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Introducing Developer Certificate of Origin

Hello Chefs!  Currently, Chef asks each contributor to a Chef-managed open source project to sign a contributor license agreement (“CLA”) or to be part of a corporate contributor license agreement (“CCLA”) signed by their employer.

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Chef at DevOpsDays Oslo

On September 5th, Chef sponsored the first ever DevOpsDays Oslo. It was also my first DevOpsDays event. If you’ve not been to one, let me share my experience and what to expect. Having come from the busy-ness of London, it was a breath of fresh air to leave my hotel in the cool calm Oslo morning.

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Chef boards the DevOps Express with CloudBees, GitHub, Atlassian and more

You may often have more questions than answers as you progress along your DevOps journey. Which tools should I choose? Do these tools work well together? What have other people done in my situation? You’re often left Googling to find the right integrations and piece together an architectural solution.

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Habitat Hack PDX Wrap-Up

Last week, our friends at New Relic hosted a Habitat Hack event in Portland, OR for a dozen attendees from companies like Intel and Workday. Habitat is our latest open-source project that allows you to build your applications with the automation built-in.

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Chef at DevOpsDays Chicago – Wrap-Up

Chef was a proud sponsor of DevOpsDays Chicago on August 30th & 31st at Summit West in beautiful downtown Chicago. A sold-out, diverse crowd gathered for keynotes, presentations, lightning talks, and open spaces to learn, discuss, and promote all things DevOps.

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Chef at DevOpsDays Boston – Wrap-Up

DevOpsDays Boston continues to grow and grow at a rapid pace. Because of this, the event was hosted at the beautiful Park Plaza this year rather than the traditional Microsoft Nerd Center. Among other changes, the typical sweatshirts were ditched for Tea Party related t-shirts encouraging the dumping of “egos,” “blame,” and “silos”.

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How Chef is Adding Culture to the Cloud

At Chef, our culture is key to our success. Our executives lead with compassion and transparency; our employees are passionate and understanding. Afterall, the secret of DevOps is that it’s always been about people. And our culture reinforces our business model in a positive cycle. Last week we were honored to be named the No.

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