

ChefConf 2020 Registration is Now Open!

Registration for ChefConf 2020 is now open. Join us in Seattle or London (or both) this June!

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What to Talk About at ChefConf 2020 – Ecosystem and Community

ChefConf 2020 will be the best gathering of the Chef Community yet. We rely on our community to help us see all the amazing use cases for our products and help us make them better.

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What to Talk About at ChefConf 2020 – Chef InSpec

The ChefConf 2020 CFP is well underway. Have you put your topic in yet? If you’re still thinking about what talk you’d like to present, maybe you’re considering a talk about Chef InSpec?  InSpec is a powerful tool for investigating and reporting on the security of your various infrastructure components, including resources in the cloud.

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Chef GitHub Maintainer List and Permissions Changes

Early in 2019, we made some pretty major changes to how members of the community gain access and roles in the various Chef Infra, Chef Habitat, and Chef Inspec Github projects. While these changes were discussed heavily in the Community Slack, they were not captured in a durable medium for future reference.

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A Thank You to the Chef Community

In October of 2014 Nathen Harvey – someone I knew mainly as a fellow Theatre major working as a software engineer – reached out and invited me to attend the Chef Community Summit.

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The ChefConf 2020 CFP has Launched!

Hello Chefs! It is time for the ChefConf 2020 CFP! It’s time to tell the Chef Community what you’ve been up to with Chef’s projects, DevOps, and other stuff folks like you find interesting. Check out our earlier post for some tips.

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Hi, I’m benny. How can I help?

Hi! I’m benny. I like music, baking, crochet, books, and Pitbulls. I’ve just started getting back into gardening, and love to watch American football (always rooting for my poor Detroit Lions). I’ve lived in Michigan (the high-five of the US) most of my life, but snow and I have a love-hate relationship.

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TIMTOWTDI Rides Again – Running Resources on a Limited Schedule

If you’ve been with the Chef Community for a long time, you’ve no doubt gotten caught up in a problem that comes down to “there’s more than one way to do it”.

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How to write a kickass CFP submission

Hello ChefLand! It’s almost time for the ChefConf 2020 CFP to open. While we’re busy prepping the submission system and all the other fun stuff that goes into the first stages of event logistics, hopefully you’re thinking about what you might want to speak about at ChefConf! This will be the NINTH(!) ChefConf.

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10 Years of DevOps

10 years of DevOps? That’s a bit of a controversial title, but Jody Wolfborn and I have just returned from speaking at the 10th Anniversary DevOpsDays in Ghent, Belgium.

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