Detect & Correct with Chef Automate and the Audit Cookbook

By Nick Rycar
The recent launch of Chef Automate 1.5 brought with it the GA release of a new Compliance view to the Chef Automate UI. This update brings with it some new detailed compliance reporting dashboards, as well as a means to easily install and manage InSpec Profiles without needing to deploy a separate Compliance Server.
Read moreChef DK 2.0 Released

By Thom May
We’re delighted to announce the release of Chef DK 2.0. This release updates many of the tools included in Chef DK, which provides more features and functionality, and adds support for partner integrations. Chef DK 2.0 contains Chef Client 13.2, and is the best way to develop, validate, and deploy Chef cookbooks.
Read moreChef at JFrog SwampUP 2017

By Julian Dunn
Supermarket Integration with Artifactory Hot on the heels of ChefConf 2017, Chef headed to Napa, CA late last week for JFrog’s SwampUP conference at the beautiful Meritage Resort and Spa. With its intimate size (300 attendees) and highly curated talks, SwampUP is one of our favorite conferences to attend.
Read moreChef Community Engineering – Quarterly Update
We’re excited to be in Austin, TX this week for ChefConf. Today we’re hosting a Community Summit so it’s a great time to reflect on some of the amazing things the community and community engineering team at Chef completed in the first three months of the year!
Read moreGoCD Cookbook and the Chef Partner Cookbook Program

By JJ Asghar
I’m happy to announce that GoCD is now part of the Chef Partner Cookbook Program. They have certified the GoCD Cookbook. This cookbook deploys a standard GoCD server or agent with the required settings to get it ready for your usage. GoCD is an on-premise, open source, continuous delivery tool by ThoughtWorks.
Read moreRocket.Chat Cookbook Certified by the Chef Partner Cookbook Program

By JJ Asghar
I’m delighted to announce that Rocket.Chat is now part of the Chef Partner Cookbook Program. They have certified the Rocket.Chat Cookbook. Rocket.Chat Cookbook The Rocket.Chat Cookbook is designed as a one-stop shop to get Rocket.Chat up and running. Run the main recipe, run chef-client, and boom, you have the base install ready to go.
Read moreGuest Post: Using Artifactory as a private Supermarket
This is a guest post by Michael Hüttermann. Michael is an expert in Continuous Delivery, DevOps and SCM/ALM. More information about him at, or follow him on Twitter: @huettermann.
Read moreFind Better Cookbooks on the Supermarket
The Chef Supermarket makes it easy to be successful with Chef through sharing the successes of a community of practitioners. Use the public Supermarket to collaborate with the community or install your own private Supermarket and collaborate with your co-workers. The Supermarket is a clearinghouse of information about tools used within the Chef ecosystem.
Read moreWhat’s Shipping?
Chef has been busy shipping a lot of new software lately. Here are some of the releases that have shipped in the last few weeks! Chef Server The Chef Server was recently updated to consolidate credentials that are stored on the system.
Read moreChef Community Engineering – 2016 – A Year in Review
Sure, it’s a little late for a retrospective on 2016 but, as they say, better late than never! Here’s a look back at some of the amazing things the Chef Community Engineering team helped deliver in 2016.
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