Graylog and the Chef Partner Cookbook Program

By JJ Asghar
I’d like to announce that Graylog2 has been badged in the Chef Partner Cookbook Program. If you don’t know the Chef Partner Cookbook Program is a collaboration between both Chef and the vendor to help validate cookbooks in our public supermarket. Graylog centralizes and aggregates your log files for maximum visibility.
Read moreWatch: Writing Great Unit Tests with ChefSpec
On March 23rd, I presented a live webinar on Writing Great Unit Tests. Watch the recording below to hear me explain how to write unit tests and how they apply to the domain of cookbook development. You’ll see me demonstrate how to build cookbooks by using a test-driven approach.
Read moreWatch: Test Driven Cookbook Development
On February 24th I presented a live webinar on Test Driven Cookbook Development. Watch the recording below to hear me explain what unit and integration tests are and how they apply to the domain of cookbook development. You’ll see me demonstrate how to build cookbooks by using a test-driven approach.
Read moreChef Supermarket Outage Post Mortem
On Thursday, February 26, we had an outage for downloading cookbooks from Supermarket via Berkshelf. The next day, February 27, we held a public post mortem. If you’d like to see the video of the post mortem, you can view it on Youtube here.
Read moreA Supermarket of Your Own: Running a Private Supermarket
A little bit of history… When Chef unveiled Supermarket in 2014 it was intended to be a public community cookbooks site where Chef Community Members could browse cookbooks from anywhere. We were honored that it was received so well! However, we soon discovered a problem.
Read moreCollaborator Groups on Supermarket
What is it? Collaborator Groups are a new way to manage cookbook collaborators in Supermarket. With this feature you can now create groups of collaborators and associate that group with a cookbook or tool.
Read moreManaging Red Hat Subscriptions with Chef

By Adam Leff
Keeping your Red Hat systems patched is critical, and registering your nodes with Red Hat Subscription Manager (RHSM) or a Red Hat Satellite is the first step. Frequently, users will handle the registration manually or bake it in to their nodes with a one-time startup script.
Read moreStatic Analysis: Improving the quality and consistency of your cookbooks
Every time we make changes to our cookbooks we are introducing risk. We can stop making changes to reduce the risk OR we can adopt new practices, like linting and testing, to help us manage that risk.
Read moreChef Policies: Why, What, and How

By Jamie Bright
On Wednesday, September 30th, software engineer Joshua Timberman presented a webinar on Chef Policies, a new feature of Chef. Policies combine the best parts of roles, environments, and client-side dependency resolvers such as Berkshelf into a single, easy-to-use workflow.
Read moreTest Kitchen: Your Development Feedback Factory
Test Kitchen makes it easy for you to test cookbooks on a variety of platforms. With Test Kitchen, you can quickly create test nodes, converge them, and then run tests against them to verify their state.
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