Podcast: An Application-Centric Approach to DevOps using Cloudify + Chef on Cloudstack

By Lucas Welch
Next Wednesday, Oct. 30, at 10 am Pacific Time, we’ve joined with our friends at PaddyPower, Cloudify, and CloudStack to host a sweet podcast addressing common obstacles in the journey to DevOps.
Read moreVelocity Greatest Hits Part II – Adam Jacob’s “Choose Your Own Adventure”

By Lucas Welch
In part II of our “Velocity Greatest Hits” blog series leading up to next week’s Velocity NYC, we dive into the mind of Adam Jacob and his famed “Choose Your Own Adventure” talk. Driven by audience interaction and questions, Adam’s “Choose Your Won Adventure” can obviously take a number of different directions.
Read moreAwesome Chefs – Encyclopedia Life Uses Chef for Global DevOps

By Lucas Welch
Our friends at the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) began their mission with this idea – humans’ knowledge of the many life-forms on Earth (of animals, plants, fungi, protists and bacteria) is scattered around the world in books, journals, databases, websites, specimen collections, and in the minds of people everywhere.
Read morePrezi Talks DevOps @GigaOM Structure Europe

By Lucas Welch
Many of you out there in the Chef Community are likely using Prezi’s dynamite zooming presentation software. Prezi, in turn, is using Enterprise Chef to manage a big gang of AWS resources that serve its nearly 20M users. Cool, yes, but nothing we haven’t said before.
Read moreAwesome Chefs – Wanelo Delivers Huge Ruby on Rails App w/Enterprise Chef

By Lucas Welch
Shopping online is nothing new. But our friends at Wanelo (pronounced “wah-NEE-lo” from want, need, love) have whipped up something awesome with an online platform uniting shoppers, products, and stores on a 100% member-driven community. In other words, Wanelo helps millions of people share and find dynamite products at cool stores for great prices.
Read moreIntroducing Enterprise Chef

By Lucas Welch
What’s in a name? Turns out, a lot. Today we announced that Private Chef and Hosted Chef are now renamed to Enterprise Chef™ offered both as on-premise software and as a hosted service. So what?
Read moreIn the News: DevOps @ Cerner, AGILE2013, in the Cloud… Everywhere

By Lucas Welch
This week DevOps once again consumed a number of news cycles, including: Network World took a look at how DevOps and the Cloud can transform IT, citing the real-world success Rafter has experienced w/Chef and Eucalyptus cloud. You can read the full profile here.
Read moreAwesome Chefs – BlueKai’s development and operations teams learn to work faster, smarter, and more collaboratively

By Lucas Welch
You may have heard of BlueKai. They’re a mover-and-shaker in “big data”, giving marketers, agencies, and organizations of all types a SaaS platform for ‘activating data’.
Read moreCheck us out @AGILE Talking DevOps, Chef, and More

By Lucas Welch
The AGILE 2013 conference descends on grand ol’ Nashville next week and of course your friends from Opscode will be there in force, from an exhibition booth to our awesome consultant and “lnxchk” Mandi Walls speaking on (what else?
Read moreAwesome DevOps Panel: IBM, Netflix, Warner Music, Opscode, Jenkins, & Puppet

By Lucas Welch
This is not only a cool panel topic, but also a rad group of people to have all discussing DevOps and Continuous Delivery (in the cloud) at one time. Last week, Redmonk analyst James Governor hosted the latest addition to the IBM PureSystems video chat series on opinionated infrastructure.
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