In the News: MSFT Reorg, DevOps in the Enterprise, and Amazon Price Cuts

By Lucas Welch
Coming off Independence Day, this week has seen an active news cycle in tech, led by Microsoft announcing a significant reorganization of the software giant around “One Microsoft”. All Things D takes a look at what it all means here, while InformationWeek takes a bigger picture look here.
Read moreUpcoming Webinar with Forrester Research – Building a Coded Business: Culture, Tools and the Need for Speed
By Brian Taylor
At organizations from Fortune 100 enterprises to Web 2.0 startups, IT is transitioning from a back office support function to a front office imperative as the primary delivery platform for goods, services, and customer engagement.
Read moreStop Shaving the Yak – Mandi Walls Kicks Off Velocity 2013

By Lucas Welch
As many of you know, Opscode has a solid presence down at Velocity 2013, and thanks to the good folks at Data Center Knowledge, we have a live report of what our first of three speakers, the awesome Mandi Walls, had to say this morning: “All three of the morning sessions were jam-packed, with literally […]
Read more“You just put the code in. Chef takes care of it.” – Chef + Berkshelf @Riot Games

By Lucas Welch
For the third installment of our new #ChefTalks customer video series, we interviewed Jamie Winsor, a newly minted Awesome Chef, the author of Berkshelf, and Software Engineer at Riot Games.
Read more“At some point you have to deal with reality.” – Chef for Config Mgmt @Facebook

By Lucas Welch
As most of you in the Community already know, Facebook uses Opscode Private Chef to automate configuration management for its ‘Carl Sagan big’ infrastructure. That’s very cool, but also pretty widely known. Today, we published a new angle to the story.
Read more“We have Unix engineers now happily automating Windows” – Chef + Cultural Change @Nordstrom

By Lucas Welch
Today we launched a new series of Chef testimonial videos offering varied and unique perspectives on the journey to becoming a coded business. The first of these #ChefTalks videos features Rob Cummings, infrastructure engineer at Nordstrom, discussing how to level-up change in your organization.
Read moreIn the News – Red Hat Roadmap, E-Commerce Booming

By Lucas Welch
Need some weekend reading? We recommend checking out SearchDataCenter‘s interview with Red Hat’s director of software engineering Denise Dumas, detailing roadmap plans for RHEL. Meanwhile InfoWorld looks at Red Hat’s new Software Collections 1.0, featuring new versions of Ruby and Python for RHEL.
Read moreOpscode @IBM Innovate

By Lucas Welch
Are you headed to Orlando for IBM Innovate next week? If so, be sure to check out Opscode’s VP of Solutions, George Moberly, at the event spreading the good word on Chef.
Read moreIn the News – Cloud Mgmt & More

By Lucas Welch
In hopes of helping all of you in the Community stay up-to-date on what tech press are providing in terms of news, opinions, and best practices from end-users, this post marks the first in an ongoing series of ‘news round-ups’ we’ll be posting every couple weeks here at Opscode’s blog.
Read moreIndiegogo crowd-funds projects around the world w/Chef

By Lucas Welch
From raising money for those impacted by the tornado in Oklahoma, to helping people fight cancer, Indiegogo crowd-funds important, even life-changing projects the world over. To do so, the company uses Rackspace to power a flexible, scalable cloud infrastructure behind all the awesome projects and site traffic.
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