

Chef 0.9.8 and Mixlib Authentication 1.1.4 Released

Today I’m happy to announce the release of Chef 0.9.8, which is the first major feature update to the Chef 0.9 line and contains improvements and bug fixes in nearly every part of chef. Bootstrapping With Flavor Courtesy of many-time MVP Ian Meyer we now have support for using custom bootstrap scripts with knife.

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Chef 0.9.6 Released

Chef 0.9.6 Released Hot on the heels of 0.9.4, I’m happy to announce the release of Chef 0.9.6. Chef 0.9.6 fixes some bugs we introduced when we cleaned up our file loading code in 0.9.2, which caused `shef` to crash on start.

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Chef 0.9.4 Released

Chef 0.9.4 Released I’m happy to announce another release of Chef. This time around, we found a backwards compatibility issue right after publishing 0.9.2, so we’re moving on up to 0.9.4. These are bugfix releases that address the issues we’ve found since releasing 0.9.0 last week. Fixed in 0.9.

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Chef 0.9.0 and Ohai 0.5.6 Released

Chef 0.9.0 Released Today I’m very happy to announce the release of Chef 0.9.0, Ohai 0.5.6, and mixlib-config 1.1.2. Chef 0.9.0 Brings some new features, a ton of under-the-hood cleanup, and lays the foundation for some big improvements ahead on the roadmap.

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Chef 0.8.16 and Ohai 0.5.4 Release

It’s Chef release time again! Today we bring you 0.8.16, which fixes bugs we’d missed in 0.8.14. Akzhan Abdulin is your MVP for fixing a bug in cookbook display in the Web UI. Thanks, Akzhan!

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Chef 0.8.14 Release

It’s Chef release time again! This time, we’re skipping 0.8.12 and heading right to 0.8.14 due to a hiccup in our publishing process. Chef 0.8.14 has a huge amount of bug fixes and improvements, thanks to the tireless work of our awesome community. Most importantly, Chef 0.8.

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Chef 0.8.10 Release

Chef 0.8.10 is upon us. The big news for this release is we updated the version dependencies, so that Merb 1.0.15 is installed. As we upgrade the Chef Server to support Merb 1.1.0, we’ll be updating this version dependency as well (there is a great reason – Ruby 1.9 support!

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Chef 0.8.8 Release

It’s Chef 0.8.8 time, and the big news this release is that we fixed an issue where the remote directory resource was broken for users of Chef Solo. Sorry, guys – we’ve added tests to ensure this won’t happen again in the future.

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Chef 0.8.6 Release

It’s a fast and furious release cycle! We’ve cut Chef 0.8.6 due to a change that accidentally broke users of Fedora – and Ian Meyer from Etsy stepped up and fixed it. His reward is being your Chef 0.8.6 MVP – congratulations, Ian!

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Ohai 0.5.0 Release

Ohai! We’ve got a new release of Ohai for you, with a pair of much-needed fixes. The first is by our release MVP Tollef Fog Heen (whose just racking up the MVP’s lately – clearly, he is destined for the Hall of Fame.

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