
Chef Management Console 1.12.0 Release

Manage 1.12.0 is now available from the Chef download site.

This release changes the Manage session store from using cookies to using redis. This change addresses sessions not being invalidated immediately on a user’s password reset.

Upon upgrading to Manage 1.12.0 all currently logged in users will have their sessions reset and they will need to log back in. Any currently logged in user who has Manage open will see errors once the upgrade is complete until they reload the page and log back in.

As always you can see the public change log on hosted Chef at

Thanks for using Chef.

Mark Mzyk

Mark is an engineering manager at Chef, having accepted the position after having been a long time software engineer at Chef. In his time at Chef he's contributed code to almost every single Chef product. Now code dominates his life less, but he gets the joy of helping others create code that has a positive impact.