Chef at DevOpsDays Vancouver

The Chef team was at DevOpsDays Vancouver, March 31 – April 1. This was the 3rd year of this event and it was a wealth of awesome interactions with the DevOps community. The morning presentations included a talk by our own, Nell Shamrell, about open source governance.


Other presentations covered topics on the container ecosystem, and how to ensure the right collaboration happens when developing new ideas.


Container Ecosystem

During the event is was very evident that containers are a high priority within the DevOps community. Not just dealing with the container itself, but rather the ecosystem of managing a container through its lifecycle.

Maintaining compliance and security was the topic of the first keynote of the event. It addressed how to enable the right culture, process, and tooling to move security farther up in your process to keep up with a higher volume of deployments. This is a great validation of InSpec, our open-source testing framework for infrastructure, and how relevant it is when trying to move security and compliance earlier on in your development process.

Read about Docker Container Compliance with InSpec.


Aside from security and compliance, there was a high level of interest in scheduling and workload placement, mostly centered around Kubernetes. It was obvious that our project for application automation, Habitat, could have a ton of benefits here – eliminating a lot of the complexities around running an application in Kubernetes.

Read more about how to run Habitat applications in Kubernetes.

Different stages of DevOps

An interesting thing that I learned from this DevOpsDays event is that there are a large amount of people that are still very early on in their DevOps journey. During the “Moving to the Left: Lessons from the State of DevOps Report” presentation by Bill Weiss, he highlighted how far DevOps has come in just the last few years.

The ideas that Bill presented were very similar to our own findings from a recent survey we conducted on the changing role of IT organizations. More than 1500 global IT practitioners and decision-makers responded to our survey on trends in their productivity, workforce roles, and technology adoption. Check out the infographic to see how teams stack up, how the role of IT is changing, and more.

Participate in the DevOps Community

Andre Elizondo

Former Chef Employee