Chef Automate Pilot: Try Chef Automate using Docker

Chef is excited to announce a new Learn Chef Rally module that introduces you to Chef Automate.

Try the Chef Automate Pilot now or read on to learn what it’s all about.

Run Chef Automate in 3 steps

In this module, you’ll have a working pilot version of Chef Automate running on your desktop computer or laptop in just a few minutes. Because the installation runs as Docker containers, you can set it up from a Windows, macOS, or Linux system.

Perform a compliance scan

Once you’re up and running with Chef Automate, you’ll explore what Chef Automate can do. You’ll scan a few systems for compliance and check whether they adhere to the recommended guidelines.

Dive into our open-source projects

Chef Automate integrates with the open-source projects Chef, InSpec, and Habitat. In fact, Chef Automate Pilot is packaged using Habitat. At the end of the demo, you’ll learn how to dive deeper into each of these technologies.

Learn Chef Rally tracks and badges

This module is part of our new Demos and Quickstarts track (expect to see more modules in this track soon).

When you sign up for a Learn Chef Rally account, you’ll be able to earn badges, track your progress from any device and subscribe to updates so you’ll know when new content is available.

Try Chef Automate

Get started with the Chef Automate Pilot module on Learn Chef now. We’d love to hear your feedback!

Thomas Petchel

Thomas is technical content lead for Chef's self-paced, online learning site: Before joining Chef, Thomas developed learning content for software developers and worked as a software developer in the online gaming space. Thomas lives in Sarasota, FL with his wife and two daughters.