
#ChefConf is next week…and nearly sold out!

Get ready for three days of stirring up delight! #ChefConf kicks off on Tuesday and promises to be everything you need to make IT delightful: technical workshops, keynotes from leaders in DevOps and IT automation, sessions goodness, the Awesome Community Chefs Awards and, of course, a party!

ChefConf will be held April 15-17 at the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco.

Join me (@nathenharvey) on a quick tour through the amzaing events that are happening over the course of three days.


Here are some highlights from each day:

  • Tuesday
    • Awesome Postmortems
    • Automatically Deploy Your PHP Apps using Chef and Zend Server
    • Using Chef on Microsoft Azure
    • Welcome Reception
  • Wednesday
    • Cook up your own PaaS with Chef and Docker
    • Implementing Continuous Delivery in Chef
    • Chef Supermarket – The New Community Site
    • Ignite #ChefConf
    • Chefs Rock Slim’s
  • Thursday
    • Keynote from Adam Jacob
    • PowerChef – Enhanced PowerShell Integration for Chef Recipes
    • Foreman and Chef integration
    • DevOps Culture And Practices To Create Flow
    • Awesome Community Chefs

As I mentioned, these are merely some highlights. Check the full schedule for more details.

The exact number of tickets left is a bit in flux as registrations are coming in a flurry, but suffice to say if you don’t register in the next few days, you’ll miss out on all the Chef Community goodness that is #ChefConf.

So, what are you waiting for?

See you in San Francisco!

Nathen Harvey

As the VP of Community Development at Chef, Nathen helps the community whip up an awesome ecosystem built around the Chef framework. Nathen also spends much of his time helping people learn about the practices, processes, and technologies that support DevOps, Continuous Delivery, and Web-scale IT. Prior to joining Chef, Nathen spent a number of years managing operations and infrastructure for a number of web applications. Nathen is a co-host of the Food Fight Show, a podcast about Chef and DevOps.