Managing a DevSecOps Environment: How Chef Maturity Assessment Can Help?

DevOps, or more recently ‘DevSecOps,’ has changed the way teams around the world build, test and deploy applications. However, integrating siloed teams such as development, testing and security remains a major challenge in managing a DevOps environment.

This blog explores the strategies to bridge these silos and foster a collaborative and efficient DevSecOps culture.

The Silo Problem in DevOps

Historically, development, testing and security teams have often operated in isolation. Developers focus on writing code, testers validate the quality and security teams improve threat defense across their infrastructure. While it’s essential to have expert teams, siloed expertise creates barriers and leads to communication breakdowns and delays. Shared responsibility is the key to creating a cohesive path to success.

The goal of a DevOps environment is to break down these silos, enabling effortless collaboration across all stages of the software lifecycle. This integration is crucial for achieving Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), enhancing software quality and maintaining robust security.

Promoting Collaboration Through Shared Goals

The first step in bridging silos is to establish shared goals that align with the organization's objectives. When development, testing and security teams work towards common targets, such as faster release cycles, improved software quality and enhanced security, they are more likely to collaborate effectively.

Some of the proven methodologies to increase collaboration include:

  1. Create Unified Metrics, Dashboards and KPIs: Establish metrics that account for the contributions of all team members. By utilizing metrics such as mean time to recovery (MTTR), defect escape rate and security incident reaction time, teams can gain an understanding of their impact on the process. Also, create a single view of all the metrics, shared pipelines and process states.

  2. Create Cross-Functional Teams and Hold Regular Stand-Ups: Create cross-functional teams with representatives from testing, development and security to share goals, progress and processes and schedule regular meetings.

  3. Use Common Tools: Use common tools or platforms for shared tasks such as version control, CI/CD, monitoring as well as communication.

  4. Apply CI/CD Practices: CI/CD practices can automate testing and deployment of code changes, which results in frequent interaction between disparate teams.

  5. Document Everything and Share Knowledge: Create documentation, articles, blogs and how-to sessions that will enrich various teams with best practices.

  6. Appoint DevOps Champions and Assign Responsibilities: Identify individuals who resonate with the DevOps process and entrust them with the responsibility of being DevOps advocates. Its also a beneficial practice to clarify and reiterate each team member’s role and responsibility.

Implementing DevSecOps

Security should be integrated into the DevOps pipeline from the outset of the development process, leading to the concept of DevSecOps. This approach maintains already-integrated security practices in every phase of the development process, rather than being an afterthought.

Adopting a Shift-Left Approach
The shift-left approach advocates for addressing issues as early as possible in the development process. By shifting testing and security to the left, teams can identify and resolve problems before they escalate, reducing the cost and time associated with fixing defects.

1. Early Involvement of Testing and Security: Collaborate with security teams early in the DevOps process, if possible, even before the source code is written. When security teams flag concerns in the design at an early stage, it will help prevent potential security flaws later. Their early input can help identify potential risks and design more robust solutions.

For testing, Chef provides a "Test Kitchen," which promotes the fundamental approach of TDD (Test-Driven Development) we recommend. All IaC (Infrastructure as Code—e.g., cookbooks, InSpec profiles, Cloud formation template, etc.) should be tested using the Test Kitchen before they are deployed into real environments.

For security, you can implement checkpoints (using Chef InSpec profiles). The tested code can be further validated to maintain security and compliance at OS, Application and Database layers based on standards and industry benchmarks of your choice (Eg. CIS, STIG, etc.). The Test Kitchen tool makes it super easy and convenient to use Chef InSpec driven security profiles as part of the Test Driven framework.

2. Continuous Integration: Implement continuous integration practices where code changes are automatically tested and validated. This practice enables more efficient detections and prompt responses. With respect to Chef, it is recommended to integrate Test Kitchen in CI/CD pipelines for automated and consistent approach. Being part of your CI/CD pipeline validates the artifacts produced out of your IaC are thoroughly tested, secure and compliant to industry standards (CIS, STIG etc). Chef integrates with any CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Azure DevOps Pipeline, GitHub Actions etc. The best part of Chef Test Kitchen is that it takes care of managing the entire lifecycle of your testing environment (create, deploy, remove) and is super fast. It’s available with the Chef Workstation solution.

Here are some steps for transitioning to DevSecOps:

  1. Automate with Security Tools. Use automation tools like static and dynamic tool analysis and leverage Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for dependencies and supply chain monitoring. Automating the remediation process can have huge benefits in terms of mitigating vulnerabilities as soon as possible. In terms of Chef, using Chef Test Kitchen and Chef InSpec, which comes as part of the Chef Workstation package, Static and runtime configurations can be tested and validated for security and Compliance. Remediation cookbooks can help test and validate misconfigurations.

  2. Define Developmental Metrics for DevSecOps pipelines. Having pre-defined developmental metrics like change failure rates, deployment frequency and deployment velocity will help your teams to deliver releases faster. Improve security KPIs by identifying and remediating misconfigurations at an early stage to understand and analyze the implementation of security in your pipelines and create remediation actions.

  3. Provide security training to all DevOps practitioners, including developers. Equip developers with the knowledge and tools to write secure code. Regular training sessions on secure coding practices and common vulnerabilities can significantly reduce security risks.

  4. Leverage Infrastructure as Code. The benefits of IaC are enormous: “Infrastructure as code can deliver transformational agility and efficiency via infrastructure automation,” argues Gartner. Automation not only speeds up IT tasks but also eliminates human error that results in countless breaches and security risks. In fact, misconfiguration is not only a major security risk but also reduces system availability.

    Chef leverages IaC principles for automating infrastructure tasks. But it goes beyond the traditional automation and is built on the principle of idempotency. This allows users to define a desired system state, and Chef, with its power of continuous configuration and compliance, maintains system performances and applications remain in a desired state throughout their lifecycle, providing no deviations or drifts and thus avoiding security audit failures.

    The building blocks of Chef Automation are its cookbooks and profiles that maintain the desired configuration and security posture are defined, maintained and validated continuously. Chef users also have the power to write policy files as code, which allows developers, security and operations teams to talk a common language and ground. This breakdown of silos is crucial for collaboration in a DevSecOps framework.

  5. Appoint security champions within development teams. These individuals can advocate for security best practices and act as a bridge between the development and security teams.

Adopting a DevSecOps model is a continuous process, even for industry leaders. The DevSecOps maturity model serves as a guide helping organizations integrate security into these practices. For this, critical areas in the DevSecOps practice need to be identified. This further necessitates frequent evaluations, identifying and remediating gaps. One such model that can determine your organization's DevOps maturity level is the Progress Chef Maturity Assessment of your DevSecOps Approach.

The Chef Maturity Assessment of Your DevSecOps Approach

Integrating development, testing and security teams is crucial for faster delivery and higher-quality software. DevSecOps practices break down traditional barriers and foster continuous improvement, enhancing both DevOps practices and building a more secure software development lifecycle.

The Chef Maturity Model evaluates an organization's DevSecOps maturity, identifying strengths and areas for improvement. It provides a roadmap for effectively using Chef tools to enhance secure and compliant software delivery.

Maturity Process

The Chef Maturity Assessment, conducted by our seasoned consultants, measures a customer’s standing within the Chef Maturity Model. It offers tailored recommendations to optimize DevSecOps processes through:

  1. Interviews and Surveys: Insights from team members to understand current practices.

  2. Observation: Review processes, architectures, workflows and daily practices.

  3. Data Analysis: Benchmarking performance metrics against industry standards.

This approach results in a Maturity Index that helps organizations identify and address gaps in their DevSecOps practices. Our approach focuses on several core areas:

  • Organizational Cultural Alignment: Guiding teams toward collaboration between development, security and operations. This includes anointing a DevOps Leader who guides teams toward a culture of collaboration. Teams need to be encouraged to share processes and results and communicate effectively.
  • Development Agility: Emphasizing rapid development cycles with iterative improvements to meet the demands of the market.
  • Automation: Automated tasks and tools reduce errors and accelerate development. Automation is a cornerstone of the DevOps workflow. Automating repetitive tasks such as code integration, testing and deployment frees up time for DevOps practitioners to concentrate on security and innovation.
  • Security: Integrating security from the outset (shift-left approach) to identify and mitigate risks early. Security practices need to become part of the CI/CD process, maintaining automated security assessments at every stage of the pipeline.
  • Testing: Maintaining continuous quality assurance with automated testing. Similar to security automation, testing automation must also be integrated into the CI/CD pipeline to provide immediate feedback on code quality after commits.
  • Monitoring: Providing real-time insights to proactively address issues throughout the development to the deployment process. Monitoring is a proactive action that can help identify and mitigate risks before they happen. Troubleshooting becomes easier when data like performance, user behavior and errors are found beforehand.
  • Operations Measurement and Compliance: Embedding compliance and measurement into every phase of development makes the software development process more accountable. Metrics such as deployment frequency, change failure rate and MTTR help practitioners make informed decisions about the application's efficiency and effectiveness.

DevSecOps Adoption - Stages of Maturity

The DevSecOps adoption Model typically involves five stages of maturity. The maturity level of the organization can be determined by assessing the level of the seven core areas discussed above, as is seen in this table:

The DevSecOps maturity model typically involves a progression through different stages, each indicating a higher level of integration and sophistication in incorporating security into the development and operations processes.

Implementing DevSecOps with the Chef Maturity Assessment brings numerous long-term benefits, including:

  • Improved Efficiency: Faster development cycles and reduced operational costs.
  • Enhanced Security and Compliance: Robust protection against threats and adherence to regulatory standards.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regular assessments and iterative improvements foster a culture of continuous learning and adaptation.
  • Faster Delivery: Automation and collaboration between teams accelerate delivery in quick and multiple iterations that allow businesses to respond to the market faster.

In conclusion, the Chef Maturity Assessment elevates DevSecOps practices by evaluating and enhancing key areas such as cultural alignment, agility, automation, security, testing, monitoring and compliance. As the next steps, users are encouraged to engage with us for a Chef Maturity Assessment led by seasoned consultants and we can help them with aspects of the transformation needed. Chef users can also go through our extensive library of knowledge (documentation, blogs, YouTube channel) on several of these aspects for an understanding of the best practices.


Jnanankur Ghosh

Jnanankur is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at Progress responsible for the Chef portfolio. He has worked in product marketing roles in telecom, biometric security, cloud computing, and voice technology domains and takes a keen interest in traveling and sports.


Smitha Ravindran

Smitha is a Content Manager at Progress. She is a software enthusiast who loves to combine her interest in tech with her love for words. After two decades of practicing and teaching computer science, she writes about all things tech. In her spare time, she reads!