

Chef 11 Server: Up and Running

In this post, we’re going to look at how easy it is to get up and running with a Chef Server on a brand new Ubuntu 12.04 or CentOS 6.3 system. We’ll also explore the new Chef Server management tool, chef-server-ctl, and the new configuration file.

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The Making of Erchef, the Chef 11 Server

The Chef 11 Server provides significant improvements in terms of compute efficiency, scalability, and operability. We achieved these improvements by rewriting the API server in Erlang and switching the data store from CouchDB to PostgreSQL.

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Chef 11 Released!

We’re incredibly proud to share the latest major release of Chef with you. The Chef Client and Chef Server are now separate projects. We will be making separate but compatible releases moving forward. You can download both of them from the Chef download page.

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Chef for OpenStack in Boston and NYC

What better way to start 2013 than getting involved with Chef for OpenStack in Boston and New York City?

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Introducing Partial Search for Opscode Hosted Chef

We have deployed a new search API, dubbed /partial search/, to Opscode Hosted Chef. The partial search API is designed to reduce the amount of memory and the network bandwidth required by chef-client to process search results.

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The Debug Files: Bookshelf and the Broken Transfer Encoding

What follows is the story of a bug we encountered during development of what will become the Chef 11 API server. The story unfolds as we began to integrate and test Bookshelf, a new component that handles cookbook file storage.

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Announcing Test Kitchen

Testing Chef cookbooks and infrastructure development is a hot topic these days. One of the keynote talks at ChefConf was Test-driven Development for Chef Practitioners. There’s even a book on the topic of Test Driven Infrastructure with Chef.

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Chef for OpenStack

UPDATE: You can learn more about our work w/Intel in a blog post from Billy Cox. Opscode is pleased to announce the launch of our Chef for OpenStack project, a reference deployment for building and managing OpenStack clouds.

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Opscode at the OpenStack Design Summit & Conference

Opscode is excited to announce that we’ll be attending and sponsoring the OpenStack Design Summit and Conference this week in San Francisco, CA. OpenStack developers, operators and users will gather to discuss the future of this open source cloud platform.

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Cookbooks Migrated to New GitHub Organization

Opscode’s cookbooks are no longer maintained in the monolithic “opscode/cookbooks” repository on GitHub, and are now split up into a new organization on GitHub, “opscode-cookbooks”. Why the Change?

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