Latest Stories
Serving up Delight in London
The week of October 13-17 is full of amazing Chef events in London. Make plans to join us for as many of these events as you can. And if you would like an early preview, join us this week for the Chef Users London Meetup on Thursday, October 9.
ChefDK 0.3.0 Released! Introducing Policyfiles
We’re excited to announce that ChefDK 0.3.0 is now released. You can get it from our download page now.Today’s release contains a preview release of the new Policyfile feature. This is a significant milestone on our journey to improve the way you develop and distribute Chef code to manage your infrastructure.
Chef and Orchestration
When talking about the management of complex systems, orchestration is always a hot topic. This is because orchestration is often seen as the easiest way to represent and model complex systems, as well as provide a path to delivering complex systems. Most often orchestration is represented through a topology model.
Chef Bootcamps @ AWS Pop-Up Loft
A couple weeks ago we teamed with our friends at Amazon Web Services (AWS) in the reopening of the AWS Pop-Up Loft. The Loft offers us a unique opportunity to connect with and support any and everyone looking to make the most of Chef and AWS.
Detecting & Repairing Shellshock with Chef
The Bourne Shell – fifth film in the trilogy. Jason Bourne tries to patch servers against obscure bug. No fights or car chases. Avoid. — Charles Arthur (@charlesarthur) September 27, 2014 To nobody’s delight and amusement, this has been the year of critical, remotely-exploitable security vulnerabilities.
Guest Post: Introducing Chef-Guard
Sander van Harmelen is a mission-critical engineer at Schuberg Philis, where he helps build and maintain business-critical systems with 100% uptime. With expertise in both coding and operations, he literally lives DevOps and is an epic Chef contributor. In this guest post, Sander introduces us to a new open source Chef tool – Chef-Guard.
Chef analytics 1.0.3 released
Chef analytics 1.0.3 is a bug-fix release to allow you to use your own SSL certificates.
Learn Chef – now with tracks for Windows Server and Ubuntu!
Today we released a refresh to the Learn Chef website. Here are some of the top highlights: Tracks for Windows Server and Ubuntu, along with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) & CentOS to help you learn in the server environment you’re most familiar with.
Security response: bash on Windows Chef Client, Chef DK, and Push Jobs Client packages (CVE-2014-6271)
We’ve verified that for Windows platforms only, the Chef Client, Chef DK, and Push Jobs Client packages contain versions of the bash command interpreter that are affected by CVE-2014-6271, the “ShellShock” advisory.