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Current State Clarity, Part 4 – Chef Provisioning
This post is part 4 of a 4 part series. Read Part 1 for an overview of the current state of the ecosystem, Part 2 on Policyfiles, and Part 3 on Push Jobs. I spent a good portion of my career tackling provisioning problems.
Monitoring Disk Space
In 2016, the Chef Support Team marked 147 tickets as being related to inadequate disk space. That’s about one ticket every two days. When your system is out of capacity, usually your system is down. It’s hard to deliver applications at velocity when you’re offline.
Validation Key in Azure Chef Extension
Setting the validation key in the Azure Chef Extension Chef has an extension in Azure that enables the bootstrapping of chef-client onto new or existing machines. This can be done though the Azure portal or using an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template.
United States immigration and professional work visas
Chef Community, Chef has recently communicated with employees that we believe may be impacted by recent or future changes to immigration and visa policy. Our message is simple: we’ll support you however we can, including meaningful legal support. To the U.S.
Habitat and Docker
This is a repost of a blog published on Medium by our friend Ben Dang. Everyone knows how to Docker, right? Here is a typical scenario below. # Build an Image (docker) $ docker build -t bdangit/helloworld .
The DevOps Engineer is an Optical Illusion
Building a collaborative and lightning-quick DevOps organization is a complex but critical business mission today. The technology industry is filled with a host of best practices that promise to help companies achieve this objective. Some of these suggestions make a great deal of sense.
Preparing for Chef Client 13
Over the last year, we’ve adopted a monthly release cadence for Chef. This has served us well, giving our users (and our staff!) a predictable schedule and making it safer and easier to release a version of Chef than ever before. Now, it’s time to introduce the next step.
Participate in the Chef 2017 Survey
You’re invited to participate in the Chef 2017 Survey. As a user of Chef, you have a unique view of trends and factors of technology initiatives that lead to digital transformation, and we value your opinion.
What is Ohai, anyway?
The year was 2007. Cats and all manner of animals on the Internet were reaching out to us, to say hello, in big, bold letters: OH HAI! When I heard Nathen Harvey greet the class in my first Chef training at SURGE 2013, I was taken aback and tickled. He explained that Ohai, not ‘OH HAI!’, is a core tool of Chef.