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Chef at Google Next 2018
Chef will be at the Google Next 2018 conference in San Francisco, California, July 24-26. Google Next is where developers come together to share challenges, solutions, 10x ideas, and game-changing technologies. Google is a great partner of Chef and we’re always excited for opportunities to show how our technologies work well together.
Microsoft’s Jeremy Winter at ChefConf: Stagnation is more dangerous than change
Do Change was the theme of ChefConf 2018, and Jeremy Winter, Partner Director – Azure Management and Security, personifies change throughout his career. During his 21 year career at Microsoft, Jeremy started as a developer, moved to running operations for Hotmail, and now runs program management for Azure Management and Security.
Habitat, Google Container Registry (GCR) and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
This short post will explore how we can use Habitat and Google Container Registry to deploy a managed container to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) with Habitat Operator already installed. The example we will be following is here. Checking this out reveals the following structure: $ tree hab-gcr-demo hab-gcr-demo ├── ├── config │ ├── index.
AlgoSec Cookbook Certified by the Chef Partner Cookbook Program
I’m pleased to announce that AlgoSec is now part of the Chef Partner Cookbook Program. They have certified the AlgoSec Cookbook. AlgoSec The AlgoSec solution intelligently automates and orchestrates network security policy management to make your enterprise continuously more agile, secure, and compliant.
Harnessing the Cloud with AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate
For the past 8 years, Stephen Figgins, System Administrator for University of Kansas Agile Technology Solutions, has been a Chef practitioner and valued member of the vibrant Chef community. At ChefConf 2018, Stephen had a conversation on the main stage with Nathan Harvey, our VP of Community Development.
AWS’s Arun Gupta on the role of Chef in the world of containers
Sporting a Chef’s hat at ChefConf 2018 in Chicago last month, Arun Gupta, Principal Open Source Strategist at Amazon Web Services, asked a question that a lot of you have been pondering; “Do I still need Chef in the world of containers?
Guest Post: Announcing New Jenkins Plugin to Manage Habitat Packages
Jenkins users can now better manage their IT infrastructure and reap the benefits of the latest open-source plugin accessible from the Jenkins Update Center and source code on GitHub.
Chef Community Summits: Seattle & London
This October, we will be hosting two community summits. These events are an opportunity for people building high-velocity organizations to come together for two days of learning, collaborating, and sharing. Each summit has its own objectives and format; please read on to discover which summit is best for you and your team!
A Little Help from my #ChefFriends
Choir! Choir! Choir! at ChefConf Chef has always recognized that the community is our foundation. ChefConf is the greatest celebration of our community. It is the event where our community gathers for a few days of collaborating, sharing, and learning from and with each other.