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ChefConf is the largest community gathering and educational event for teams on the journey to becoming fast, efficient, and innovative software-driven organizations. In other words, you and your team! ChefConf 2018 will take place May 22-25 in Chicago, Illinois and we want you to present! The ChefConf call for presenters (CFP) is now open.

Nathen Harvey

In our last blog post, we gave you an introduction and high-level overview of how Chef Automate and HPE OneView work together to enable cloud-like speed on bare metal hardware. In this post, we’ll explore a bit deeper with technical details and code examples.

Sean Carolan

As we kick off HPE Discovery today in Madrid, it’s a great opportunity to look at how HPE and Chef are working together to help IT organizations build and manage great applications securely at scale. HPE and Chef have partnered together to bring cloud-like speed and automation to the world of bare metal hardware.

Kimberly Payton

Hello inHabitants! In our perpetual effort to find better ways to keep our community connected, informed, and cared for we’ve made the decision to retire the Habitat Discourse Site and migrate to something we hope will be more useful.

Ian Henry

Last year at AWS re:Invent, Chef was excited to join Amazon VP & CTO Werner Vogels to announce the availability of OpsWorks for Chef Automate (OWCA). As the first provider of configuration management through OpsWorks, Chef has a long standing commitment to the success of AWS customers.

Matt Carter

ChefConf is the largest community gatheing and educational event for teams on the journey to becoming fast, efficient, and innovative software-driven organizations. In other words, you and your team! ChefConf 2018 will take place May 22-25 in Chicago, Illinois and we want you to present! The ChefConf call for presentations (CFP) is now open.

Nathen Harvey

Many large enterprises and mid-sized organizations are looking to build and strengthen their internal culture to improve knowledge sharing, increase working morale and improve staff retention. Only a few years ago these same companies would have turned to Centres of Excellence (CoE) but instead they are looking to leverage Communities of Practice (CoP).

Anthony Rees

Last year at re:Invent 2016, Amazon announced the availability of OpsWorks for Chef Automate (OWCA). Chef, available as a service to Amazon customers, opened up continuous automation to a whole new generation of customers creating cloud-native applications.

Matt Carter

I recently posted about using Terraform, vCenter and Chef, and promised a follow up about extending the Terraform plans to work with Windows and multiple Virtual Machines. Here is part two that will continue to build off of this plan: Windows Open up the following link to show off the .

JJ Asghar