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We are halfway through the Month of ChefConf! Did you get to sit in on some sessions about Chef Infra and Chef InSpec? If not, don’t worry! They’ll be available on demand after June 2, so sign up for ChefConf at In the meantime, it’s time for some talks about Chef Habitat!

Mandi Walls

Welcome back to Upgrading Chef Infra! Last week we kicked things off with a brief introduction and a review of some key concepts. Today we’ll see how Chef Infra has evolved in recent years, and take a look at improvements that have been implemented throughout major releases.

Nick Rycar

Hopefully you know that Chef InSpec is not only an excellent solution for your infrastructure security and compliance needs, but you can also use it to test your infrastructure as code. If you’re looking for some learned advice from experienced InSpec practitioners, we have some great sessions for you! Register for ChefConf Online at chefconf.

Mandi Walls

Last week, I had the privilege of announcing the launch of Chef Infra Client 16. In addition to providing a slew of features to improve ease of use, expand platform support and generally improve performance, we’ve invested significantly into improving the process of upgrading Chef Infra.

Nick Rycar

On April 30, 2020, two critical security vulnerabilities were identified with the SaltStack open source project ( These vulnerabilities are critical and must be patched to avoid potential take over of your systems. This vulnerability has been assigned the highest severity rating, 10.

Galen Emery Andrew DuFour

Google announced that Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) supports deploying Windows applications in a “cloud native” pattern, leveraging Docker containers. Chef has worked with Google to ensure customers using Chef’s application delivery solution “Habitat” can easily and efficiently package and deploy any Windows application – both modern and legacy – into GKE.

Mike Krasnow

Hello Chefs! Are you new to the wonders of Automation and Chef Infra? Or are you a battle-scarred professional looking for some deep magic to manage your Chef Server with ease? ChefConf Online has some sessions for you! Join us this week as we record some of the ChefConf Online sessions for Chef Infra.

Mandi Walls

Hello Chefs! Wherever you are in the world, you’re likely not in the place you usually are when you’re working. Sadly, we also won’t be where we usually are for ChefConf this year; ChefConf will be online, like so many other events that can no longer happen in person.

Mandi Walls

Chef Habitat provides automation capabilities for defining, packaging, and delivering applications to almost any environment with any operating system, on any platform. Distributed and low-bandwidth edge sites like retail locations, manufacturing plants, and restaurant chains present unique challenges to DevOps teams trying to automate and optimize delivery practices to these devices.

Mike Krasnow