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The edge computing term has become one of the next big buzz words in the IT world. The concept of edge computing is not new and has been around for a while. In fact, almost every organization probably already has one or more use cases that would fall into the bucket of edge computing.

Eric Calabretta

Today we’re thrilled to announce the launch of Chef Infra Client 16, a smaller, faster version that is chock full of new resources, features, and supported platforms. What makes this release particularly exciting, however, is an unprecedented focus on streamlining the user experience for newcomers and seasoned veterans alike.

Nick Rycar

Today Chef announces compliance waiver support within Chef InSpec and Chef Automate. Using Chef for compliance provides a holistic solution for enterprises to achieve continuous compliance. Companies audit their various endpoints for compliance against CIS or DISA standards using Chef InSpec, while viewing the aggregate compliance state of their fleet in Chef Automate.

Keka Ichinose Natalie Fisher

Continuous Learning, Especially for Teachers We find ourselves in strange times. Granted, the digital revolution has radically transformed the way we connect and interact over the last two decades, but the stay-at-home orders most people find themselves under have forced us all to reconsider how we can effectively work, play and learn together.

Robin Beck

If you have had occasion to try out the new IAM (Identity and Access Management) rollout for Chef Automate, you are probably eager to connect projects, policies, users and teams to give your organization the fine-grained separation of control vital to your business.

Michael Sorens

Sous-Chefs is a community organisation and we like to think of ourselves as a home for unloved great cookbooks. We are also a place where these cookbooks will always get maintained moving forward.

Jason Field

Recently, Chef commissioned a survey of security professionals in order to provide greater insight into what security leaders are most concerned with and how collaboration with I&O (Infrastructure & Operations) is needed within enterprise-sized organizations.

Alan Baptista

Chef Automate provides DevOps teams a dashboard for complete operational visibility across large-scale or mission-critical infrastructure. This comprehensive visibility allows developers, operators, and security engineers to collaborate on delivering application and infrastructure changes at the speed of business.

Natalie Fisher

Today we’re joining a slew of other companies who are all working to try to reduce the rate of infection for COVID-19. Google, The Ad Council, the ANA, and many more are banding together to encourage folks to #StayHome whenever possible.

benny Vasquez