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Updated Dec. 23, 2020: After receiving customer feedback on this deprecation we’ve decided to reverse our plan to remove support for the s390x architecture in Chef Infra Client. We’ve published s390x architecture packages for Chef Infra Client on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 12/15 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7/8.

Josh O'Brien

Community is at the center of everything we do at Chef. In 2019, Chef engineers and advocates engaged with over 10,000 members of the community through in-person events like ChefConf, meetups and user groups, industry events, and customer meetings.

Matt Carter

Hello Chefs! I hope you’re hanging in there. We miss you all and it’s been a bummer to not get to see you at the events we had planned to hold and attend this year. Stay home, wash your hands, and we’ll see you IRL later. In the meantime, we want to hang out online!

Mandi Walls

Hello Chefs! Last week we made the decision to change the delivery of ChefConf for 2020 from an in-person experience to digital.

Mandi Walls

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact on individuals, families, and businesses is real and significant. We respect the unique and essential role that Chef plays in the day-to-day operations of many businesses.

Josh Crossman

Update May 1st, 2020: Registration is now open for ChefConf Online! Join us June 2nd for an all-new digital event experience! The COVID-19 pandemic is having a tragic and widespread impact around the globe, and creating unprecedented disruption in all areas of our lives.

Brian Goldfarb

Chef Rings in 2020 with Multiple Industry Award Wins for Chef EAS and Chef InSpec Chef is kicking off 2020 on a high note announcing five new industry awards signifying our ongoing recognition from the industry as the DevOps leader.

Matt Lyman

This coming April will mark one year since the introduction of the Chef Enterprise Automation Stack. As part of this release, we announced that all of our products are now open source under the Apache 2 license and that Chef’s tested, enterprise-ready software distributions (binaries) are subject commercial license terms going forward.

Nick Rycar

We believe Gartner provides very useful guidance for organizations struggling with balancing the need to deliver products and services to market faster while having to deal with regulations and compliance requirements that may overburden their teams.

Alan Baptista