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Opscode will be hosting the Seattle Ruby Brigade's hack night next week, at Zeitgeist Coffee in Pioneer Square. Come on down to meet us and hang out with fellow ruby aficionados. Where: Zeitgeist Coffee When: March 17, 7-9pm We'll have free drinks available until we run out of them, and we'll have the place to ourselves.


Ohai, we prepared a new release for you! The Ohai 0.2.0 MVP is Thom May. Thom checked out Ohai, and immediately wrote a Python Language Plugin.

Adam Jacob

Look at what the Chef community has cooked up for you – a brand new release! The Chef 0.5.6 release MVP is Sean Cribbs, of Radiant CMS fame. Sean has been a steady presence in the burgeoning Chef community – asking questions, filing bugs, and contributing patches.

Adam Jacob

Hello! It’s time again for a new release of Chef – this one is chock full of interesting bug fixes, a few new features, and lots of feedback. This release’s MVP is Arjuna Christensen (fujin!) – we went to bed last night with 6 bugs in the 0.5.

Adam Jacob

When you are building a configuration management system, one of the things you learn quickly is that you are going to hit a ton of edge cases. Many of these edge cases are the result of applications that were not written with automation in mind.

Adam Jacob

Hi everyone! I’m pleased to announce the release of Chef 0.5.2 and Ohai 0.1.4. I’m giving this releases MVP award to Bryan McLellan, who added support for Cron, Routes, and FreeBSD in the last two weeks. Way to go, sir.

Adam Jacob

For those of you who are taking a look at Chef, we wanted to give you a run down of some of the things that make it awesome.

Adam Jacob

Adam’s podcast with John Willis last week covered so much detail that I decided it was worth transcribing. You can listen to the Podcast Here, and you can subscribe to the podcast here. Cloud Cafe #31 – Opscode Introduces Chef [0:02] [music] John Willis: [0:18] All right, hey, this is John Willis at johnmwillis.

Jesse Robbins

I had the pleasure of talking with John M Willis, of the most excellent IT Management and Cloud Blog and Cloud Cafe Podcast fame.  John watches the IT Management and Cloud space like a hawk – pretty much no story misses his eye.  We talk about: What is Chef? How would people use it?

Adam Jacob