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Every October, Chef users descend upon Seattle for my favorite tech event of the year. The Community Summit is an Open Spaces format “unconference” where the participants run the show. Events like these are the heart of Open Source. The best parts of the Chef ecosystem are born here.

Sean O'Meara

Test Kitchen makes it easy for you to test cookbooks on a variety of platforms. With Test Kitchen, you can quickly create test nodes, converge them, and then run tests against them to verify their state.

Fletcher Nichol

In the Northwest we’ve gone very quickly from summer to Fall.  And what a summer it was.  In fact, 2015 is clearly shaping up to be a record year across all of our key metrics: revenue, new customers, and partnerships.

Barry Crist

DFJ Growth Leads Series E Round, Hewlett Packard Ventures Makes Strategic Investment in Chef SEATTLE – September 9, 2015 – Chef, the leader in automation for DevOps, today announced it has closed a $40 million Series E funding round.

Lucas Welch

New Collaboration Enables Enterprises to Migrate Workloads to Azure, Create Hybrid Clouds, and Easily Manage Heterogeneous Environments Across Windows and Linux SEATTLE – September 9, 2015 – Chef, the leader in automation for DevOps, today announced new availability of Chef in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace.

Lucas Welch

The public Supermarket is the place to share cookbooks and other tools and plugins with the Chef community. There are more than 2400 cookbooks currently available for download on the Supermarket. Many people in our community use cookbooks from the Supermarket to automate and manage applications and infrastructure every day.

Nathen Harvey

Ohai Chefs! I’m happy to announce that Chef Server 12.2.0 is now live on Hosted Chef, and is also available for download on the Chef Downloads Page and via our Apt/RPM repositories.

Marc Paradise

With the Chef Community Summits (Seattle and London) fast approaching, I wanted to share my experiences as a new member of the Chef community about the value of the Chef Community Summit. Last fall, I attended the Chef Community Summit in Seattle. It was my first Chef community event larger than a user group.

Steven Murawski

There are many ways to use Chef and not all of them have to be related to your day job. If you’re a fan of Minecraft you can use Chef to create a Minecraft server on Digital Ocean.

JJ Asghar