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Hi Chefs, I’d like to give you a quick update on our progress towards shipping a Windows build of ChefDK. I know that with the dependency solver changes in Berkshelf 3, it can be a struggle to get berks running on Windows so we’re working to get you a build as soon as we can.


Ohai Chefs, Today we’ve released Chef Client 11.12.4 and Ohai 7.0.4 fixing a few issues: CHEF-5223: ‘service’ resource broken on OSX CHEF-5211: ‘knife configure –initial’ fails to load ‘os’ and ‘hostname’ ohai plugins properly OHAI-565: cannot disable Lsb plugin Let us know if you experience any issues with these releases.


Several months ago, McKinsey & Company released a report entitled “The enterprise IT infrastructure agenda for 2014” which offers strategic advice to CIOs and other IT managers for 2014.

Julian Dunn

Hello Chefs, We’ve released ChefDK 0.1.0, a minor update to add some small features and fix bugs based on the feedback you’ve given us since our first release at ChefConf. We’ve also updated Berkshelf and Test Kitchen. You can find packages on our downloads page. Berkshelf Updates Berkshelf is updated to 3.1.1.


Awesome Chefs make many tremendous contributions to the betterment of the entire Chef Community each and every day. Today is no different and in this post we’ll highlight an especially notable achievement by Dimitri Aivaliotis, a system architect and Chef contributor based in Zurich.

Lucas Welch

VMware joined us at #ChefConf 2014 as a Gold sponsor and speaker. We’re working with VMware to jointly improve our offering as showcased at ChefConf. VMware’s vCloud Application Director (vCAD) lets you build deployment blueprints with a drag and drop interface for vCloud Automation Center (vCAC).

Matt Ray

Update: This issue has been resolved. Earlier today a security vulnerability in a library our wiki and ticketing systems depend on was published. We are keeping these systems down while we work with our vendor and confirm whether this vulnerability is a problem for these products or not.

Jason McDonald

More than likely most of you are familiar with Linux containers but let’s briefly review what the buzz is about. Application containers are an operating system feature that allows you to run your app in an isolated environment without the need for a separate kernel. They’re kind of like a mini-VM without all the overhead.

Lucas Welch

Ohai Chefs, The first version of Chef Development Kit (a.k.a. Chef DK) is here. What is Chef DK? Chef DK is a package that contains all the development tools you will need when coding Chef. It combines the best of the breed tools developed by Chef community with Chef Client.