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Infrastructure code, just like your infrastructure, is in constant flux. New services need to be updated and deployed, configuration changes need to be propagated, and security vulnerabilities mitigated. There’s a never-ending stream of code changes to make and once you’ve written your infrastructure code you just want it to work.

Tim Smithh

Thank you all for voting on the board of Sous-Chefs Community Leaders. Voting has now closed and the results are in. Farewells We would like to wish our fond farewells to the members of the board who have chosen to step down: Dan and Joseph have been instrumental in Sous-Chefs and will be missed.

Jason Field

For over 11 years Chef customers and community have trusted us to manage their infrastructure and servers, so it should be no surprise that you can also manage desktops and laptops just as effectively by using Chef Effortless Infrastructure Suite.

Alan Baptista

Continuous Delivery (CD) and all the other continuous things – Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Testing, Continuous Deployment – have become the new mantra of DevOps. CI/CD adoption typically starts with agile Dev teams working on new or well-funded systems.

Heather Peyton

[Edited with updates October 11, 2019] UPDATE: We have notarized all our packages available for MacOS Catalina. Downloading and installing these packages should no longer cause an error. With the release of MacOS Catalina (10.15) we have become aware of an issue with our omnibus based installers.

We are happy to announce significant updates to how TLS certificates are handled in the Chef Habitat 0.85 release. The changes simplify the process of ensuring custom enterprise certificates (self-signed, or otherwise) are utilized appropriately in the Habitat ecosystem.

Salim Alam

Happy Hacktoberfest! Have you been to the Hacktoberfest website to sign up? Have you perused the open Hacktoberfest tagged issues on GitHub? If not, don’t worry. There’s plenty of time to get started. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the options, we have some pointers for helping out with Chef’s projects.

Mandi Walls

All good things come to an end, and now is the time to say goodbye to Foodcritic. In 2011, Andrew Crump did the Chef community a huge service by writing what would become the defacto standard code linter for Chef Cookbooks. Foodcritic was a ground up code linting tool built especially for Chef Cookbooks.

Tim Smithh

This blog post by Chris Swan, Policy Debt, was included in the September 8, 2019 edition of DevOps Weekly (subscribe here if you haven’t already). Many of the points Chris raises are likely familiar to folks who have been working in operations, systems engineering, or DevOps for any length of time.

Mandi Walls