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In October of 2014 Nathen Harvey – someone I knew mainly as a fellow Theatre major working as a software engineer – reached out and invited me to attend the Chef Community Summit.

Nell Shamrell-Harrington

Hello Chefs! It is time for the ChefConf 2020 CFP! It’s time to tell the Chef Community what you’ve been up to with Chef’s projects, DevOps, and other stuff folks like you find interesting. Check out our earlier post for some tips.

Mandi Walls

The record breaking attendance at this year’s KubeCon 2019 North America further solidifies the fact that Kubernetes is one of the hottest technologies to come into the ring in the last few years.

Heather Peyton

Hi! I’m benny. I like music, baking, crochet, books, and Pitbulls. I’ve just started getting back into gardening, and love to watch American football (always rooting for my poor Detroit Lions). I’ve lived in Michigan (the high-five of the US) most of my life, but snow and I have a love-hate relationship.

benny Vasquez

If you’ve been with the Chef Community for a long time, you’ve no doubt gotten caught up in a problem that comes down to “there’s more than one way to do it”.

Mandi Walls

Hello ChefLand! It’s almost time for the ChefConf 2020 CFP to open. While we’re busy prepping the submission system and all the other fun stuff that goes into the first stages of event logistics, hopefully you’re thinking about what you might want to speak about at ChefConf! This will be the NINTH(!) ChefConf.

Mandi Walls

Chef Habitat provides automation capabilities for building and delivering applications to any environment. Both operations and development teams benefit from the adoption of a consistent configuration process used across all applications.  Developers define and build a package for their application, with the dependencies needed at build time and runtime.

Salim Alam

10 years of DevOps? That’s a bit of a controversial title, but Jody Wolfborn and I have just returned from speaking at the 10th Anniversary DevOpsDays in Ghent, Belgium.

Kimball Johnson

Holy Hacktoberfest, Batman! If you participated in Hacktoberfest this year, you’ve heard from Digital Ocean about how awesome the participation was this year. Just an incredible amount of PRs were created by folks working towards their Hacktoberfest rewards. What did you learn this year during Hacktoberfest?

Mandi Walls