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Two years ago, Chef launched Habitat as a way to enable application teams to build, deploy, and manage any application in any environment.

Nick Rycar

On Wednesday, August 1, we presented a webinar on using InSpec with Cisco IOS network devices. Today, fewer than 10% of network teams are using any automation tools, yet through the NetOps 2.

Julian Dunn

Habitat can seem like magic – allowing you to deploy and manage any app, anywhere, in the same way. It’s not magic, however, it’s deliberate, very well thought out technology. In Habitat, the application itself is the unit of automation.

Nell Shamrell-Harrington

One of the best things about working at Chef is seeing how our customers use technology to create innovations and make a real difference through their work.

Matt Carter

Here’s what happened in July across the Chef, Habitat, and InSpec open-source communities. Chef This month we released Chef Client 14.3, the newest release in the Chef 14 series. Chef 14.3 introduces the concept of preview resources, adds several new resources, and cleans up the shell_out API. What is a preview resource, you ask?

Julian Dunn

Chef, InSpec, and Habitat provide workflows for automating everything you manage, from infrastructure configuration to security auditing to application releases.

Nick Rycar

Chef sat down with Dan Webb of the Sous Chefs organization recently for a Q&A session. Dan is a winner of a 2018 Awesome Community Chef award for all of his contributions and mentorship to the Chef community. (These answers have been edited and condensed for clarity.) Who are the Sous Chefs?

Julian Dunn

Habitat application packaging typically falls into one of two main categories: Packaging applications built from source code developed in-house or available via open source. Packaging commercial off the shelf (COTS) applications usually purchased from a third party vendor.

Matt Wrock

When we talk about Effortless Infrastructure, that is exactly what Toyota Financial Services’ Manager of Cloud Services, Mo Malik, and Manager of Cloud Automation Services, Carlos Soriano had in mind when they set out to deliver a reliable, scalable, user-friendly service for their customers.

Sam Danyal