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Hosted Chef Reporting API Increased Error Rates On January 29th from 07:17 – 15:00 UTC, users may have seen 404 errors being logged at the end of successful chef-client runs as the client attempted to send a run report to Hosted Chef’s reporting service.


We are pleased to announce that Chef Analytics 1.2.1 is now available from This release contains a few minor bug fixes and a security update. We have updated the version of Ruby on Rails for the Analytics UI to fix a number of posted CVEs.


On January 28th, 2016, the OpenSSL team released a new high severity security advisory. Simultaneous to the publication of this new high severity security advisory, the OpenSSL team also made available new versions of the OpenSSL code containing fixes for the vulnerabilities described in these advisories.


Ohai Chefs, We’re pleased to announce that today we’ve released Chef Server 12.4.0. We have updated the version of Ruby on Rails in oc-id to fix a number of posted CVEs. Chef Server now has a Universe endpoint, which provides the same output as Supermarket or berkshelf-api universe endpoints. More details can be found here.

David McCown

Manage 2.1.2 is now available from the Chef downloads site. Manage 2.1.2 is a security release to address a number of Rails CVEs. It is recommended that all users of the Chef Management Console upgrade. The full change log is availble here: https://manage.chef.

Mark Mzyk

Supermarket 2.3.2* is now available. This release contains bug fixes, minor enhancements, and security updates. Supermarket version 2.3.2 is a recommended update for all users running their own instances of Supermarket. Packages are available in the stable repository.

Mark Mzyk

Fully embracing the power of the Chef ecosystem has had a tremendous impact in allowing people to continuously deliver your infrastructure no matter where it lives. With Chef being cloud agnostic as to where it is deployed, it allows people to reliably build out their infrastructure on premise, or to the cloud of their choosing.

Andre Elizondo

Chef Compliance 0.9.11 is now available from the Chef downloads site. This is a minor release update which is recommended for all users of Chef Compliance.

Alex Pop

Gannett is a leading media and marketing company whose businesses include USA TODAY, 92 local media organizations in 33 states and Guam, and more than 160 local news brands online in the U.K. You may already be familiar with Gannett’s talk, delivered at re:Invent 2015, USA Today Brings Shadow IT into the Light.

Roberta Leibovitz