Latest Stories

Wow. 2017 Is finally drawing to a close. Part of me feels like this year has stretched on forever, and part of me feels like I was looking at a 2016 calendar just yesterday.

Ian Henry

Community is foundational here at Chef and and a major ingredient in our recipe for success. This year, we encouraged each other to be mindful of how fortunate we are and to pay that forward to as many communities as possible.

Hyun Choi

Last week Chef announced the December release of Chef Automate, which builds on significant compliance automation capabilities delivered during 2017. Our customers use Chef Automate to detect and correct policy violations that indicate non-compliance with standards ranging from company policies to government regulations.

Dan Hauenstein

This post will demonstrate how to package a .Net Windows service application using Habitat. A Windows service application provides some interesting challenges to Habitat packaging because the application process is ultimately controlled by the Windows Service Control Manager (SCM). It runs outside of the Habitat Supervisor process tree.

Matt Wrock

Signal Sciences is now part of the Chef Partner Cookbook Program. This certifies the Signal Sciences Cookbook as a top quality Chef cookbook. The cookbook installs and configures Signal Sciences in your infrastructure.

JJ Asghar

ChefConf 2018 will take place May 22-25 in Chicago, Illinois and we want you to present! ChefConf is the largest community gathering and educational event for teams on the journey to becoming fast, efficient, and innovative software-driven organizations.

Nathen Harvey

ChefConf is the largest community gathering and educational event for teams on the journey to becoming fast, efficient, and innovative software-driven organizations. In other words, you and your team! ChefConf 2018 will take place May 22-25 in Chicago, Illinois and we want you to present! The ChefConf call for presenters (CFP) is now open.

Nathen Harvey

What is CloudBolt? Since you’re reading this blog, we’ll assume that you already know what Chef is, but you may not be as familiar with CloudBolt. CloudBolt is a hybrid cloud management platform that provides an intuitive interface for all IT requests.

Bernard Sanders

InSpec is an agentless compliance scanner, which means that you can use InSpec to perform compliance scans of configuration settings without installing anything, changing configuration settings, or otherwise affecting the state of the machine you are scanning.

Kimberly Garmoe