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The technological revolution is here. It’s sweeping the nation, and Seattle is no exception to the overwhelming takeover of startups, developers, engineers and entrepreneurs pursuing their dreams in fulfilling careers in healthcare, government, education, travel, and more. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce just released a study ranking and evaluating how 25 U.S.

Lucas Welch

On Tuesday, May 17th, I co-presented a live webinar covering a showcase of some of the latest Chef integrations with AWS. You can watch the recording below. Most of the components we presented have been available to you in the Chef framework for quite some time.

George Miranda

I’d like to announce that Graylog2 has been badged in the Chef Partner Cookbook Program. If you don’t know the Chef Partner Cookbook Program is a collaboration between both Chef and the vendor to help validate cookbooks in our public supermarket. Graylog centralizes and aggregates your log files for maximum visibility.

JJ Asghar

Culture is vital in building any successful business — it impacts employee retention, performance and revenue. Given culture’s significance, it’s surprising how often it is relegated to an initiative, usually driven by HR and given a catchy title to imply inclusiveness, great perks or diversity. There is no denying these initiatives can be important. But in our industry, culture is our product.

Lucas Welch

As automation lightens the load on IT operations personnel, and the DevOps cultural shift brings dev and ops together, people from managers to sys admins may be worrying about their jobs. Furthermore, as DevOps takes hold, other roles in the organization are set to transform.

Lucas Welch

Our friends (and certified partners) at DualSpark (a Datapipe company) do tremendous work providing solutions for moving to, and getting the most from, AWS. Recently the team at VSCO Artifact Uprising (looking to turn your Instagram feed into a gorgeous lookbook?

Lucas Welch

As previously announced we’ve disabled our PackageCloud APT/YUM repositories for the current and stable release channels effective today. Please migrate to the equivalent repository as documented on The latest versions of the apt-chef or yum-chef cookbooks will automate this repo configuration for you.

Seth Chisamore

DevOps is permeating the enterprise. And as we at Chef have often espoused, it’s both a technical and professional movement. At the helm of the professional side are careers – DevOps changes career paths. It alters job functions. While DevOps has been cited as one of the most lucrative technical professions – Dice.

Lucas Welch

We want to make you aware of two changes that will affect Chef products going forward: All Chef products will be making their license file and the license files of all included software easier to find.

Mark Mzyk