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Automate to Migrate on Channel 9
Fully embracing the power of the Chef ecosystem has had a tremendous impact in allowing people to continuously deliver your infrastructure no matter where it lives. With Chef being cloud agnostic as to where it is deployed, it allows people to reliably build out their infrastructure on premise, or to the cloud of their choosing.
Chef Compliance 0.9.11 Release
Chef Compliance 0.9.11 is now available from the Chef downloads site. This is a minor release update which is recommended for all users of Chef Compliance.
Transformation at Gannett
Gannett is a leading media and marketing company whose businesses include USA TODAY, 92 local media organizations in 33 states and Guam, and more than 160 local news brands online in the U.K. You may already be familiar with Gannett’s talk, delivered at re:Invent 2015, USA Today Brings Shadow IT into the Light.
Learn about DevOps and Tools
Chef’s Jennifer Davis (@sigje) has published several new articles in the Skills Library. In “Examining Tools with a DevOps Lens”, she discusses how to evaluate tools in terms of how well they foster the DevOps values of collaboration and communication between team members.
Chef talks security with Federal Trade Commission on Feb. 9
We’re big proponents of bringing compliance and security into the development process early and often. As it turns out, so is the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). During the FTC’s “Start with Security” event in Seattle, our own Julian Dunn will join panelists from DocuSign and Socrata for “Integrating Security into the Development Pipeline”.
Chef Infra Vault – What is it and What Can it do for You?
Have you ever wondered how you would deal with secrets – i.e. API keys, database passwords, and more – within a configuration management framework?
Chef Reporting Release 1.5.6
Ohai Chefs, We are pleased to announce that Chef Reporting 1.5.6 is now available. This release fixes a few bugs including critical functionality for 2016 partitions in the reporting database. The data is currently collected in 2016 partitions in the 1.5.5 reporting release but without this update it won’t be visible in the UI.
Chef Compliance 0.9.10 Release
Chef Compliance 0.9.10 is now available from the Chef downloads site. This is a minor release update which is recommended for all users of Chef Compliance. Here are the enhancements and bug fixes added since the 0.9.
Chef Delivery at Ooyala
Ooyala has been using Chef to configure and provision its deployment framework, Atlantis, for the past year and a half. Now, Ooyala is beginning to incorporate Chef Delivery into its release process. Read about their project in the Skills Library article, Chef Delivery at Ooyala.