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Chef Fundamentals Webinar Series: Week 2 Recording Available and Register for Week 3
Thanks to everyone who turned out for the second installment of our Chef Fundamentals Webinar Series yesterday! If you were unable to attend and would like to catch up on the series, you can find recordings of each prior module at #learnchef.opscode.
DevOps + Continuous Delivery @ FlowCon on 11/1
Question: What are Gene Kim (author of “The Phoenix Project”), Jez Humble (DevOps and Continuous Delivery Pioneer), Catherine Courage (VP of Customer Experience at Citrix), John Esser (Director Engineering Productivity and Agile Development at, and Adrian Cockcroft (Director of Architecture for Cloud Systems @ Netflix) all doing next Friday, 11/1?
Podcast: An Application-Centric Approach to DevOps using Cloudify + Chef on Cloudstack
Next Wednesday, Oct. 30, at 10 am Pacific Time, we’ve joined with our friends at PaddyPower, Cloudify, and CloudStack to host a sweet podcast addressing common obstacles in the journey to DevOps.
Chef Fundamentals Webinar Series: Watch the Week 1 Recording and Register for Week 2
Thanks to everyone who turned out for our first installment of the Chef Fundamentals Webinar Series yesterday. We had a fantastic session with Nathen Harvey and look forward to continuing the series next week.
Velocity Greatest Hits Part II – Adam Jacob’s “Choose Your Own Adventure”
In part II of our “Velocity Greatest Hits” blog series leading up to next week’s Velocity NYC, we dive into the mind of Adam Jacob and his famed “Choose Your Own Adventure” talk. Driven by audience interaction and questions, Adam’s “Choose Your Won Adventure” can obviously take a number of different directions.
Let’s #learnchef!
Opscode and our partners have a bunch of opportunities coming up to help you #learnchef. We’ve recently announced a weekly webinar series that kicks off next Thursday. It’s free to attend so sign-up and put it on your calendar today. We also have a number of instructor-led classes coming up in the next few months.
Velocity Greatest Hits – Making DevOps a Science
As many of you know, next week is Velocity NYC, where you can find a bunch of the Opscode gang at booth #24 talking about how “code can,” and other cool musings. Leading up to next week’s conference, we thought it’d be cool to revisit some of our greatest hits from Velocity’s years past.
Release: Chef Client 11.6.2 & 10.28.2
Hello Chefs. Today we are announcing two releases for Chef Client: Chef Client 11.6.2 Chef Client 10.28.2 The highlight of the release is the fix for CHEF-4489 reported by Jeff Blaine which prevented the creation of necessary symlinks in Solaris packages. MVP With his awesome help finding and testing the Solaris packaging issues Jeff Blaine is this release’s MVP.
Awesome Chefs – Encyclopedia Life Uses Chef for Global DevOps
Our friends at the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) began their mission with this idea – humans’ knowledge of the many life-forms on Earth (of animals, plants, fungi, protists and bacteria) is scattered around the world in books, journals, databases, websites, specimen collections, and in the minds of people everywhere.