Latest Stories
Chef 10.14.4 Released!
We have another patch release for 10.14 for you today. This release is mostly fixes to the deploy provider and the error inspectors. The usual Rubygems, Debian packages and Omnibus packages are all up. Kendrick Martin was really helpful with some debugging work this release and has really been improving the Windows cookbooks.
Community-authored Plugin: Knife Community Release
Here at Opscode, we release a lot of cookbooks to the Chef Community site. Each individual cookbook is a separate software development project: they all have a git repository, a released “artifact” version, and as we extend cookbooks for test kitchen, tests. We follow particular process for releasing new versions.
Chef 10.14.2 Released!
We reordered our versioning with the release of 10.12.0 to facilitate point releases that just contain bug fixes. Here is your first one. MVPs Phil Dibowitz contributed awesome improvements to knife that were released in 10.14.0, such as batching for knife cookbook upload -a.
The Debug Files: Bookshelf and the Broken Transfer Encoding
What follows is the story of a bug we encountered during development of what will become the Chef 11 API server. The story unfolds as we began to integrate and test Bookshelf, a new component that handles cookbook file storage.
Chef 10.14.0 Released!
We are quite excited about getting this version of Chef released and into your hands. This release contains over seventy-five resolved issues from over thirty community members and some big new features from Opscode. Whyrun This version includes a new feature that we’ve talked about for a long time called “why-run.
Upcoming Webinar on Sept 19th with 10gen and Gazzang
We are participating in a webinar with our partners 10gen and Gazzang to talk about quickly spinning up secure versions of MongoDB using Opscode Chef and Gazzang zNcrypt.
Test Drive the Chef 11 Server Preview
We are excited to announce that all of the github repositories needed to build and run erchef are now public. The top-level git repository for Erchef, the open source Chef server written in Erlang, can be found at
Chef in Action
A few of you may have seen the news a couple months back that LAN, a leading Latin American airline, is using Opscode Hosted Chef to configure, manage and automate its data center supporting operations for What you haven’t seen (until now) is that as LAN.
Introducing erchef
During Chef Summit last year Chris Brown and myself committed to releasing the Erlang API server, aka “erchef”, under a open source license by the end of summer 2012. I’m very proud and happy to announce we’re in the final stages of making the release happen.