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Announcing the Winners of the Automate for Good Hackathon
First off, I’d like to give a huge thank you to everyone who participated in our hackathon, and to DevPost for teaming up with us to make it all happen. Whether or not your project made the final list, all participants who submitted a valid project will receive a swag pack which consists of a t-shirt, some cool stickers, and a Badgr badge.
Automated CI/CD Pipelines with Chef and GitLab
During ChefConf 2021 Online Stephanie Laingen, DevOps Consultant/Software Engineer from TapHere!Technology, presented an informative session on using Chef and GitLab together as part of an Agile Developmet Workflow. This blog post is an overview of the session.
Shift Left with Chef Compliance
This blog post discusses the security and compliance challenges that create major roadblocks in software delivery and why most organizations find implementing auditing and remediating processes daunting.
Introducing Chef SaaS Beta: Join the program!
To make IT fleet management easier, we introduced Chef SaaS Beta– a solution for infrastructure and compliance management that runs on the cloud. All the proven on-premises Chef offerings, now on the cloud, with Chef SaaS.
The 2021 Chef Partner Awards and a Look Ahead Toward ChefConf ‘22
The Chef Partner Awards recognize partners who have built strong and meaningful relationships with both Chef and our mutual customers. Chef partners offer Chef solutions in specific locations, specialized verticals and customized deployments. Through submissions and internal Chef nominations, the Chef Partner Award winners are recognized by customers, peers and industry leaders as some of the premier companies in the DevOps space. set to get an Infrastructure upgrade
Chef Supermarket, your gateway to finding the cookbooks best suited for your DevOps needs, is set to receive an upgrade to its infrastructure. In order to facilitate this upgrade, we will be migrating all content to new hardware. Early 2022 The outage will affect the Supermarket web application and all APIs that point to Supermarket is a very important content source for our community. We believe that this shift in the underlying infrastructure on which it is hosted is vital in ensuring we can serve you best in the long term.
Still Writing Scripts for Managing Endpoints/End-User Machines? There is a Better Way!
Chaithra Mailankody, Associate Product Manager, and, Sudeep Charles, Senior Manager, Product Marketing, at Chef, will present current trends and issues in scripting and how Chef Desktop, which focuses on codifying your fleet instead, can help you avoid them. We will also have Q&A session where a panel will answer all your questions.
Chef Infra Best Practices: #7 Chef Workstation: One Click a Way from Everything
Chef Workstation helps automate infrastructure configuration and security policies by allowing you to: - Improve the quality of code - Reduce time spent on writing and performing tests - Reduce deployment windows by quickly delivering on-demand DevTest environments If you are still on ChefDK, move to Workstation now!