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Your Time At ChefConf 2019: scale, Scale, SCALE
Are you working in a large-scale computing environment? Do you have lots of services and systems spread out all over? ChefConf 2019 is the place to get some help managing all of the information and behaviors you need for big deployments, big workflows, and all other things in the largest of large scales.
Your Time At ChefConf 2019: Chef Habitat
This year at ChefConf 2019, we have Habitat talks to help you level up your Chef Habitat usage, or get acquainted with Chef Habitat’s features.
Your Time At ChefConf 2019: Chef InSpec and Security
Chef InSpec is a powerful tool for creating and managing complex security profiles for your infrastructure. Whether you’re using Windows or Linux, Chef InSpec can help your team managing the demands of the modern security landscape.
Chef Habitat for Windows: Troubleshooting
Summary Greetings! Today, I’ll be reviewing some steps for troubleshooting Habitat on Windows.
Chef Habitat on Windows: Examples
Post 2 of 3 Post 1 – Chef Habitat on Windows: Basics Post 3 – Chef Habitat on Windows: Troubleshooting Greetings! Today, I’ll be outlining some examples and patterns for packaging Windows applications with Chef Habitat.
Chef Habitat on Windows: Basics
Post 1 of 3 Post 2 – Chef Habitat on Windows: Examples Post 3 – Chef Habitat on Windows: Troubleshooting Greetings! Today, I’ll be introducing some of the basics for Chef Habitat, specifically focusing on Chef Habitat on Windows.
Now Available: Chef Automate Source Code!
I’m extremely excited to announce that, for the first time ever, all of the source code for Chef Automate is now open-sourced under the Apache 2.0 license. This further fulfills the changes we announced earlier in April.
What’s For Me at ChefConf 2019: Community!
Oh man. What a week at Chef! Hopefully, you’ve seen our announcements about open sourcing our projects and changing our business model. We’ve been working on that for a while, and it’s been great to finally get to share it with you and start engaging open-source first.
ChefConf 2019: Making Application Delivery Frictionless
Another reason to attend ChefConf2019: learning to use Chef Habitat! Chef Habitat is a key component of Chef Enterprise Automation Stack; an automation system that allows teams to express infrastructure, security policies, and application lifecycle dependencies as code, to deliver that code via an automated pipeline, and to deploy, observe, and manage the technology lifecycle.