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Running a Full Framework ASP.NET IIS application in Habitat
For the past several months we have been working hard to provide full feature parity accross all Habitat components on Windows. We often use an ASP.NET Core plan to test Windows functionality because building and running a .
GDPR Compliance: Don’t compromise your speed and efficiency
With the changes in EU regulation that GDPR introduces, specifically relating to how the personal data of EU citizens must be handled, organisations are facing fresh challenges in how they prove compliance. GDPR brings particular burdens with the ‘Privacy by Design’ mandate that requires data privacy is part of the system design process from day one.
Automating Cloud Migration and Modernizing Legacy Applications at Verisk Analytics
Verisk Analytics is a leading data analytics organization and a Chef customer. Eric Schneider, Verisk’s CTO, currently has his team focused on executing a cloud migration strategy and modernizing legacy applications. Eric recently sat down with us to discuss how Chef is helping them execute on those objectives, and how Verisk’s implementation has evolved over time.
Building Developer Services with Habitat
Something we often talk about in the arena of DevOps is the need for cultural or organizational change. One thing that’s often missing from the conversation is the virtuous cycle that tends to occur between People, Process, and Technology.
Habitat Studio Artifact Caching
Habitat’s Studio now supports artifact caching across Studios! This change adds a new capability to the Studio software which allows the downloaded Habitat artifacts (i.e. *.hart files) to be shared between different Studio instances or the between setup and tear downs of the same Studio instance.
IT Automation – The Foundation for a Successful Container Strategy
Editor’s Note: Torsten Volk of Enterprise Management Associates recently published Ten Priorities for Hybrid Cloud, Containers, and DevOps in 2017. This research report and decision guide is for any enterprise that is adopting DevOps, hybrid cloud, or containers. We’ve asked Torsten to give some additional insights into successful container adoption based on his research.
Building an automated and compliant cloud environment with Chef & CTP
Cloud Technology Partners is a Chef Professional Services Partner with expertise in regulatory compliance for cloud. They have been an amazing partner for Chef, working with our shared customers to ensure they are successful in executing on their respective goals.
Making a Leader/Follower MySql Cluster with Habitat!
One of the most compelling pieces of Habitat is using the Supervisor to create self-organizing and self-healing topologies. Today we will, step by step, create a MySQL Leader/Follower cluster using Habitat. Setting up your infrastructure Create three virtual machines on the cloud provider of your choice (when creating this post, I used AWS EC2).
Chef Community Engineering – Q2 Update
It’s hard to believe we’re half way through the year already, but having had a chance to meet with and celebrate our community at ChefConf in Austin a couple months ago, we’ve had a really phenomenal second quarter. I’m really excited to share some of the things we’ve been up to, together!